2,000 Cyclists Ride over Auckland Harbour Bridge

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To be able to bike and walk the Auckland Harbour Bridge has been a dream for cyclists and pedestrains since it was built in 1959 but the only chance the cyclists get is on the few occasions that the NZTA closes a couple of lanes every few years to allow this to happen.
It is run by Bike the Bridge who do a magnificent job in organising and managing a major cycling event with crowds of up to 3,000. This year's Bike the Bridge was a great and happy occasion.The management had thought of everything from police, ambulance, fire brigades and portaloos and the Council made this a public event by providing transport and even 100 buses to protect the cyclists from the cars.The Bridge run was one way only and it took the 2,000 happy cyclists just an hour to cross and another to come back.
I am full of admiration for the management's attention to detail. It was excellent and a message to all other potential events organisers that this is how it is done. Bravo!
Contrast this model of management with that of the planned SkyPath. Although this is to be on a massive scale with eventually up to 20,000 on a summer Saturday no crowd management plan has been put in place. "The suburb will cope" is all that the Northcote Point Residents have been told. These crowds of pedestrains and cyclists will make little or no impact on the area. Two security officers with CCTV cameras based 1.2 K away across the harbour in Westhaven are all Northcote Point has been offered.
This film shows SkyPath and the public what SkyPath needs to know and do to manage the project successfully.
SkyPath requires 2000 cyclists an hour on Summer weekends to make it pay. Can the infrastructure cope? Bike the Bridge shows the impact of 2000 cyclists an hour.
These beautiful areas cannot take the onslaught of 14,347 every Summer Saturday even if they wanted to without a well thought out plan that ensures the safety and enjoyment of residents and visitors alike.
Although I am not part of the Northcote Points Residents Association, I am only interested in crowd management, that is why my company made this film. I have given NRA permission to use this video on their Give a Little Appeal in the interests of fair play. Bike the Bridge is a public event run on public roads and areas. It is open to all. I feel sure too that this organisation is interested in road safety for cyclists and pedestrains, who are not featured at all.
It is hoped that the SkyPath Trust will learn from the Bike the Bridge event and come up with a realistic management plan for Westhaven and Northcote Point. It is not this films intention to spoil the dream, far from it, it was wonderful, only to point out that the present dream falls short of the management and safety features of the above event which was exemplary and to encourage all those who will be responsible for crowd safety to avoid unnecessary risks.
OK! I am going to remove every comment that dismisses the serious content of this video because of the way I speak because I find it offensive. This is called indirect discrimination and is an offense under the Human Rights Commission. This type of discrimination is hurtful and offensive. I shall only accept comments that are constructive and helpful. I shall also remove comments
that say this video is hilarious because it isn't. Those are the rules from now on. You may thumbs down as much as you like and you can suggest answers to Northcote Points problems. Also this is not an NRA video. I do not belong to NRA!
It is run by Bike the Bridge who do a magnificent job in organising and managing a major cycling event with crowds of up to 3,000. This year's Bike the Bridge was a great and happy occasion.The management had thought of everything from police, ambulance, fire brigades and portaloos and the Council made this a public event by providing transport and even 100 buses to protect the cyclists from the cars.The Bridge run was one way only and it took the 2,000 happy cyclists just an hour to cross and another to come back.
I am full of admiration for the management's attention to detail. It was excellent and a message to all other potential events organisers that this is how it is done. Bravo!
Contrast this model of management with that of the planned SkyPath. Although this is to be on a massive scale with eventually up to 20,000 on a summer Saturday no crowd management plan has been put in place. "The suburb will cope" is all that the Northcote Point Residents have been told. These crowds of pedestrains and cyclists will make little or no impact on the area. Two security officers with CCTV cameras based 1.2 K away across the harbour in Westhaven are all Northcote Point has been offered.
This film shows SkyPath and the public what SkyPath needs to know and do to manage the project successfully.
SkyPath requires 2000 cyclists an hour on Summer weekends to make it pay. Can the infrastructure cope? Bike the Bridge shows the impact of 2000 cyclists an hour.
These beautiful areas cannot take the onslaught of 14,347 every Summer Saturday even if they wanted to without a well thought out plan that ensures the safety and enjoyment of residents and visitors alike.
Although I am not part of the Northcote Points Residents Association, I am only interested in crowd management, that is why my company made this film. I have given NRA permission to use this video on their Give a Little Appeal in the interests of fair play. Bike the Bridge is a public event run on public roads and areas. It is open to all. I feel sure too that this organisation is interested in road safety for cyclists and pedestrains, who are not featured at all.
It is hoped that the SkyPath Trust will learn from the Bike the Bridge event and come up with a realistic management plan for Westhaven and Northcote Point. It is not this films intention to spoil the dream, far from it, it was wonderful, only to point out that the present dream falls short of the management and safety features of the above event which was exemplary and to encourage all those who will be responsible for crowd safety to avoid unnecessary risks.
OK! I am going to remove every comment that dismisses the serious content of this video because of the way I speak because I find it offensive. This is called indirect discrimination and is an offense under the Human Rights Commission. This type of discrimination is hurtful and offensive. I shall only accept comments that are constructive and helpful. I shall also remove comments
that say this video is hilarious because it isn't. Those are the rules from now on. You may thumbs down as much as you like and you can suggest answers to Northcote Points problems. Also this is not an NRA video. I do not belong to NRA!