Introduction And The Early Fitnas | Ep 1 | Signs Of The End Times Series Series

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Dive into the Signs of the End of Times with Yasir Qadhi. In this series, you'll explore the signs and events believed to precede the Day of Judgment in Islam. Yasir Qadhi, a respected Islamic scholar, brings clarity and relevance to these prophetic narrations. It's your gateway to understanding the significance of these signs in today's world and how they can shape our spiritual journey.

Speaker: Yasir Qadhi
Produced By One Islam Productions

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Im in a dark place right now, i havent prayed for 8 years now yet i always feel something is missing. I want to better myself. Last week i started to distance myself from the bad friends. Now i have only 1 friend and he is teaching me Islam again. I feel ashamed because im 27 years old. I just hope everything will be ok because i know the truth and the truth is Islam


I am a Muslim Revert. Allah guided me to the truth and opened my heart up to Islam. I am truly grateful to Allah SWT For doing that


SubhanAllah! "HOLD ON TIGHT TO YOUR DEEN by the Mercy of الله before THE DUNYA GET A HOLD ON YOU" Judgment Day will be closer than we think, like the blink of an eye! Just look around you guys, what the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم predicted is coming to pass! May الله help us all. 🤲 اللهم امين


Alhamdulliah Being a young teenager of just 14-15 years I've been so much blessed to be know so many things in my life. I've been following this channel when I was just 12❤ I've so Much changed


َ'' What led you into Hell Fire? 
They will say: 'We were not of those who prayed.'” (Qur'an, 74:42-43)
🌸Don't forget your five daily prayers🌸


1. It was narrated that Abu Umaamah said:

"The Messenger of Allah SAW said: "Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi immediately after each prescribed prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering Paradise except death."

2. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet SAW said: "He who says 'Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi (Glory and praise be to Allah) one hundred times a day, his sins will be obliterated even if they are equal to the extent of the foam of sea.

(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

3. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet SAW said: "There are two statements that are light on the tongue, heavy on the scales and beloved to the Most Merciful: Subhana Allahi wa bihamdihi, Subhanalli Al-Azeem (Glory and praise is be to Allah, Glorified is Allah the Most Great)." (Al-Bukhari)
4. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet SAW said: "He who repeats Subhan Allah (Glory be to Allah) thirty three times, Al-hamdu lilah (praise be to Allah) thirty three times and Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) thirty four times and completes the hundred with: La ilaha illallahu, wahdahu la sharikalahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdh, wa huwa 'ala kulli shai'in qadir (There is no true god except Allah. He is One and has no partner. His is the sovereignty and His is the praise, and His is the Omnipotent) will have all his sins pardoned even if they may be as large as the foam on the surface of the sea." (Muslim)

5. Zaid ibn Harithah narrated that the Prophet SAW said: Whoever says Astaghfirullah al-Azeem al-ladzi la ilaha illa howa Al-Hayy Al'Qayum wa atubu ilaih (I ask forgiveness of Allah, the Most Magnificent, than whom their is no deity, the Living, the Sustainer of Existance, I turn to him in repentance). His sins will be forgiven even if he should have run away from the battlefield (while he was engaged if fighting for the cause of Allah, which is a grave sin in Islam)

8. Whoever reads Surah Al-Kahf on Friday, it will act as a light/protection for him from one Friday to the next.


9. Whoever says: "Radheetu billahi Rabba, wa bil Islaami Deena, wa bi Muhammad Nabiyya" - "I am pleased with Allah as my Lord, and with Muhammad as my Prophet, Paradise would be (made) mandatory for him.

(Abu Dawud)

10. Whoever asks Allah for Paradise three times (Allahumma inni as'aluk al-Jannah), then Paradise will say "O Allah! Enter him into Paradise!" And whoever seeks protection with Allah from the Fire three times (Allahumma ajirni min an-Nar), the Fire will say "O Allah! Protect him from the Fire!" (Tirmidhi)

11. Whoever is easy-going, gentle and kind, Allah will make the Fire forbidden for him (Hakim)

12. In Paradise there are rooms whose outside can be seen from the inside and the inside can be seen from the outside. Allah has prepared them for those who feed the poor, who are gentle in speech, who fast regularly and who pray at night when (other) people are asleep.


13. Narrated from Abu Harayrah that the Prophet SAW said: "There is a Surah of the Qur'an, with thirty verses, that interceded for a man until he was forgiven; it is 'Surah Tabaarak Alladhi bi yadihi'l-mulk (Blessed is He in Whose Hand is the dominion)' (Al-Mulk 67:1)

•If you pass this on, It is Sadaqul Jaria (meaning you keep on getting rewarded for it, every time someone acts upon it, even when you have died until the day of Judgement).


Ya Allah I pray that everyone here is freed from the punishment of the grave.


*I'm continually impressed by the quality of content on this channel. It's a true resource for those seeking a deeper understanding of Islam and Allah*


Al-Mu'minun 23:1
Certainly will the believers have succeeded:
Al-Mu'minun 23:2
They who are during their prayer humbly intent
Al-Mu'minun 23:3
And they who turn away from ill speech
Al-Mu'minun 23:4
And they who are observant of zakāh
Al-Mu'minun 23:5
And they who guard their private parts
Al-Mu'minun 23:6
Except from their wives or those their right hands possess, [1] for indeed, they will not be blamed -
Al-Mu'minun 23:7
But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors -
Al-Mu'minun 23:8
And they who are to their trusts and their promises attentive
Al-Mu'minun 23:9
And they who carefully maintain their prayers
Al-Mu'minun 23:10
Those are the inheritors
Al-Mu'minun 23:11
Who will inherit al-Firdaus.They will abide there ete


*Alhamdulillah for the peace and purpose that being a Muslim brings into my life. Grateful for Allah's guidance on this blessed journey. 🌙🤲*


Alhamdulillah masha Allah let's read the Qur'an everyday and put it in practice 😊 Amin


رَبِّ أَدْخِلْنِي مُدْخَلَ صِدْقٍ وَأَخْرِجْنِي مُخْرَجَ صِدْقٍ وَاجْعَلْ لِي مِنْ لَدُنْكَ سُلْطَانًا نَصِيرا


La Ellaha ella Allah!
25:40 I rememberd the earthquakes that happened in Turkey and Morocco
Oh Allah, do not make us one of those who oppress ourselves


never lose your iman this dunya is not worth it


I'm so glad there are videos like these to educate us more on our deen, alhumdulliallah ❤❤


Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: Look at those who stand at a lower level than you but don't look at those who stand at a higher level than you, for this would make the favours (conferred upon you by Allah) insignificant (in your eyes).

Sahih Muslim 2963c


AlhamduliLah for this episode. Signs of the end of time are one forth of our religion, may Allah sustain this series and bless the people involved


I have an exam coming up next Sunday. Please keep me in your Dua so that I can succeed and can secure a job 🙏🙏.
Please 🥺


Never thought the dunyah would get best of me, I usually never cared for richness and success, wanted a humble life, but lately I can't help but want to be rich and enjoy some of the luxurys of this world, and its all bc I see so many people doing so well, while i work so hard and barely get by. I tell myself I want to be rich so I can study Islam and not have to work so much, so I can travel to Muslim countries, but apart of me feels I'll be ruined if I become rich. All my siblings are really good at balancing deen and dunyah, and there lives are admirable, all successful and very very religious. I yearn for success so much now, being the black sheep in the family, I want to prove myself to them, and to Allah. But I had a dream where the interpretation was id ruin myself in the pursuit of dunyah!! I'm so stuck, and confused on what to do


So much knowledge lots of respect for u
