10 Secrets About Dating a Highly Sensitive Person

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Being a highly sensitive person (HSP) adds a layer of difficulty to anything and everything, including dating. It’s tricky enough to navigate an overstimulating world, but adding another person to the mix? If this feels overwhelming, you’re not alone! It’s complicated, but it can certainly be done––and when it is, it can feel oh-so-rewarding. Hopefully, some of these ideas resonate with you and inspire your next conversation.

Writer: Gabrielle LaFrank
Script Editor: Rida Batool
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Lily Hu
Animator: Ollie (New Animator)
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
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I wish society was more kind to sensitive men as they are often shamed or humiliated for being so.


If you are chosen by a sensitive person be prepared to receive an amount of love bigger than love itself :) 💕💕💕


3:00 does anyone else start feeling emotional when someone really acts genuine with us and say words that show they really care?


As HSP myself, I strongly suggest every highly sensitive person to talk with therapist. HSP in our world is a true struggle, sensory overload and most important - people overload, and by that I mean, seeing how cruel world is, how crazy patterns people are living with, how most people are selfish, egocentric, arogant and there is plague of narcissists, no matter how well you are educated, it is impossible to maintain good psychic health in such world.


This may sound stupid but I’m scared of being in a relationship because I’m scared I’ll be a burden to my partner


1. an HSP will notice if you're not being genuine 1:04
2. communication is key 1:31
3. HSP's environment affects them greatly 2:07
4. HSPs feel emotions intensely too 2:52
5. it may help to plan ahead 3:23
6. give HSPs some time to adjust 3:53
7. you will probably learn something if you listen closely 4:23
8. don't ignore their discomfort or make a scene of it 4:53
9. choose suprises carefully 5:34
10. stop using phrases like 'too sensitive' and 'too much' 6:14
I hope I could help!


Imagine if both people in a relationship considered each others needs and compromised more often. it pays off to be selfless sometimes.


When I told my therapists that I have always been extremely sensitive and feel like I may be an HSP, they never engaged on that topic. Because of my depression, I believe that they discarded this possibility (as in: "it's just caused by the depression"), instead of considering it as a co-factor for the development of my depression. These videos make me feel a little more seen.

EDIT: Just to make it clear: my therapists so far have otherwise been amazing and helped me a lot. It's just that when it comes to HSP, they seemingly try to avoid the topic somehow - at least that's how it felt to me!


I'm currently dating a highly sensitive person and especially the point about giving them space and time is really important. At the start I was having some troubles with that because I thought that she was evading me but over time (and now because of this video) I was able to see the situation more clear and adjust to her needs.


*“You’ll watch an entire Netflix series even when the first episodes are slow just because someone told you that ‘it gets better’, but what if you looked at your goals like that and watched your life get better instead?”*

Love from a small YouTuber💙


As a person who grew up in the bad part of the neighborhood, I'm bold, emotionally numb and have anger issues. It was very confusing when I got two highly sensitive best friends. As I was not used to emotions like that. So you can tell how many times I was annoyed and got angry at them. I then found your channel and it helped a lot. We've been friends for 3 years but I still have struggle with guessing their emotions.


As an HSP, I can admit that we're a little bit harder to love than ordinary people. But the love we give in return is unrivaled. 💕


As someone who was diagnosed with autism a few years ago, a lot of the things you talk about in this video remind me of what it's like to live with it. Overstimulation, high sensitivity, preferring direct communication, and being highly perceptive in particular.


My GF and I both are HSP lol but we are emotionally open to each other and we tell each other directly how and what we feel. It feels great. :)


Me who is single and watches Psych2Go videos: Ah yes....another loving video *sips coffee*


From a HSP, this is accurate! Something to note: we highly sensitive people are not trying to be intrusive when it comes to your feelings, we just genuinely feel your feelings and it's something we can't turn off.


I always felt so terrible of myself for crying so much. Now I realized I'm not alone and that it's okay to be an HSP. I've now come to the conclusion that I'm an HSP and I'm proud :)


I never date someone, I listen to this just for the future


The "I have to tell you something..." is my "favourite". It makes me so anxious and frightened always.😅


To this day, i still don't know how to distinguish between strong anxiety and high sensitivity, or what the differences are Somehow it connects both, doesn't it? Well, in the end, both are very exhausting. A nice nap always helps me
