What are the Odds YOU will Die in a Motorcycle Crash?

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Riders and perspective riders often wonder how dangerous motorcycles are. Let's look at some motorcycle crash statistics and see how common motorcycle fatalities actually are.

After we see the real numbers I will give you some tips to help you avoid becoming one of the statistics.

Vehicle Crash Statistics:

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In a 30 year anesthesia career, about 200 motorcycle accident victims made it to my OR table. They were seriously to profoundly injured. ALL BUT ONE WERE IMPAIRED by alcohol and/drugs. Draw your own conclusions from this empirical observation.


"Motorcycles do not suffer fools." A superb summation. 👍


The most dangerous part of the motorcycle is always the nut between the seat and the handlebars!


Take-always from the Hurt Report of value:

Don’t ride impaired.
Don’t ride at night.
Don’t ride on weekends.
Full face helmets the best.
Proper training important.

Highest risk groups:
—returning riders 50+
—new young riders

Things you can do to improve your odds:

Don’t do the things listed above.
Wear protective gear.
Add lighting to the bike front & rear.
Wear hi-viz clothing.
Pay attention to the ride, not the bike.
Don’t group ride.
Maintain appropriate speed for conditions
Keep your bike in proper maintenance
Ride a bike that fits you physically

Be as predictable as possible to the cars around you, and choose lane position to make yourself most visible.


11:48 "A rider spent a few months in a burn unit after road rash". Even in the dead of Summer I force myself to wear a jacket and gloves(at least). Dress for the slide not the ride 👍.


Great video.  "Personal responsibility" - not very popular in this day & age.  Everything always seems to be "someone else's fault".


Something I read a long time ago was that 50% of the traffic accidents happen on the way to and from work. For that reason I have never ridden a motorcycle to work. The other thing I try to avoid is riding in cities. I live in the country so this is easier for me, but even when I lived in the city I generally tried to get out of the city as quickly as possible to do my riding. Yes, I use my bike for recreation, my truck or car is my transportation. Just my style, but in 40 years and a couple of hundred thousand miles of riding it's served me fairly well, no wrecks, no injuries.


I agree 100% with your views, especially on distracted riding.
I ride an older bike without displays and/or computer technology and still find myself distracted at times.
Even though it may just be the scenery of the area I happen to be riding through or more commonly my mind wandering, I do find myself having to ‘re-focus’ back to the fact I am riding my bike and not the passenger.
It’s surprising how much distance you travel for even 3 to 5 seconds at 40/50 mph. It’s more than enough for an animal or vehicle to jump into your path.


The old saying that you are your own worst enemy is never more true than when it comes to riding a motorcycle.


Road rash is such a misnomer. It's more like having all of your skin grated off of you. Go ahead and walk to the end of your driveway and when it's safe reach down and touch the pavement. It's NOT smooth. 🤔


Great advices as usual. Learned to pay attention to every second, as Kevin makes a great effort to compress and focus on the essential. Also learned that listening these advices regularly helps me on the road. I need this 👍


Personal responsibility and never stop learning: outstanding advice. Thank you Kevin.


I have a cop style half helmet just so I could test ride my daughter's 25mph moped 7 miles around my lonely road after tuning it or adjusting brakes...and not get a ticket.

I had a strange noise on my street bike. I wanted to hear it better. I donned the skull cap, glasses and hit that 7 mile loop at 40 to 50 mph.

I'll never do that again. I didn't see a single car, but I did see deer, dogs, gravel and 30 foot cliff drops to jagged rocks. I can't believe we all wore 3/4 helmets in the 70s and 80s at 75 on the highways.

I'm a full face fan from now on. The young think it'll never happen to them.


Once again.... GREAT JOB KEVIN!!! I look forward to seeing your weekly videos, always so full of great tips and information.
Bless you and your family, and thank you for taking the time to help the motorcycling community ride safely.


Thanks Kevin for this and all your videos. I appreciate your conviction and concern for the fellow rider. Keep up the good work!


Great video! There is risk to anything, plenty of close calls I've had on the bike I avoided by applying simple MSF/rider training techniques. Look head as far as you can, use the safe zone, treat every intersection as a high chance someone will run a red light... I could go on.

These tips are simple and life saving. Subscribed and thank you!


thanks for the refresher, it helps reawaken my alertness level.  sometime we get complacent and these things become fog in the background.


Great content as always, thank you for doing this. I also truly appreciate the comments below, very true. The frustrating part of the deaths and serious injuries is that some will just not listen even when warning their family members about their riding My neighbor now has permanent brain injuries violating two of your rules and will walk with a permanent limp the rest of his life. He is only 26. I mention this because your focus on "you" is so appropriate. Thank you again and keep up the great work!


Thanks, Kevin! Love your videos and your philosophy on safe riding. Have learned so much from watching your videos. Cheers and all the best. Cath


Hi Kevin, Have recently retired and purchased a dual sport after 33 years in tin cans, your video's along with several training vids from other professional riders/trainers have been invaluable in a world full of distracted and drug affected road users ... I feel all the more empowered by the knowledge and guidance you have provided throughout your video's and I think my wife is also glad you share so many great tips... thanks mate.
