Would You Do This Job For 1 Million Dollars? 😰 #disturbing #dangerous

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Electrician here. In an Arc flash, there is no real explosion. Electricity that goes rouge is just loud as heck. What ends up happening is that the short circuit ends up creating what effectively is a lightning that superheats the copper on both ends of the lightning to such a degree that the copper not only melts, it gets so hot it turns into steam. This ridiculously hot copper steam then condensates on everything colder than the copper steam. Mostly the surrounding area and the poor bastard that caused the arcflash. That's what that suit is for, btw. It is to protect the person and to make the coppersteam condensate on the suit instead of your face, skin, and lungs...


Yeah electricity can mess you up, especially high voltage. I was an HVAC tech and I messed with 208-240 for the most part, it it’ll nip you for sure. 10000 is lethal but .1 amps could kill you die to the electrical current being able to shock your heart off-Rhythm


A million a year? I'll do it for 300, 000 a year I rather die my stomach full than hungry.


I’d totally do it for a million. Some electricians do it for less than 100k a year


Poor explanation of arc flash hazards, it doesn't ignite the oxygen, it creates a plasma of primarily nitrogen. This plasma reduces the resistance of the air allowing the current to continue to flow. It may also result in vaporized metal and other materials.

It's equivalent to a giant welding arc, proportional to the current and voltage.


The ARC flash is 4x hotter then the sun for a split second


An arc flash is 3 to 4 times hotter than the sun. If you have the equipment, the most dangerous part of that job is the gas that is released from the arc.


Electricity is so insanely dangerous, and the number of people who don't realize how dangerous their homes' electrical system is genuinely scares me.


I personally work in this job field..if u know ur shit and know what ur doing...u live ..u living "we all gotta die someday" vibe..u lived ur life..u job gives u peace of mind..maybe u might meet jesus "accidentally" and wouldn't have it any other way.


I gotta wear that every time I rack in or out 13.8kva breakers


I’m a commercial electrician and I’ve started up switch gear many times for waaaay less than a million dollars


You've got the basic premise down but there's a small detail you've missed when you super heat copper during an arc flash the copper turns into plasma with an expansion rate of 67, 000 times its original volume.

The air does move out of the way of the copper plasma but that's not totally what kills you.


I was standing next to a guy who had 540v AC arc hit him.
I worked at a geothermal power plant that used a closed isopentane flash system.
The feed pump circulating the motive fluid was on a motorized breaker.
The motorized breaker failed.
It was my first day and this dude was training me.
He used a wooden handle shovel to manually engage the motorized breaker for the 540v feed pump.
The pump kicked on and I watched an arc come out of the breaker, follow the wood handle of the shovel down to the spade end he was holding in his hands.
I smelled cooked meat and heard his toes pop as they burst inside his steel toe boots and we both got blown out the doors of the PDC we were in.
Guy nearly died next to me and I'd only known him for 5 minutes. He was my direct supervisor.
Needless to say i never used a shovel handle or anything else to engage that breaker. I stayed far, far away. 😂


Him: i'm not doing this
Me: This is accually my job 💀


Most electrical apprentices start out at 13-16 dollars an hour. Million dollars my ass, we do this shit for not more than 90k a year starting out.


Yea suit will save you but the concussion that knocks you out sucks big time. I've had 2 massive arc discharge incidents and both knocked me out cold. The goober hook is only as strong as the guy pulling it, and if he is trying to pull dead weight it's a bitch so you gotta use the buddy system for retrieval


"It looks like a bomb suit"
Me: "that looks nothing like a bomb suit"


Where do i sign up??? Better than sitting in front of a computer all day.


Mechanic here, who works on hybrids and EVs pretty often. As far as electricity goes I only have to deal with 1000 volt systems, and all I need is a two-layer pair of gloves and a good meter. It's scary as hell to measure something the first time, but it's really no big deal just make sure the gloves are up to date and keep your arms off anything when testing


Yes. Why? -Looks fun
-Can do it with friend
-Emotional support by the guy on the back
-I get to wear a badass suit
