Would You Do This Job For 1 Million Dollars? 💀

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It’s honestly crazy how people have to courage to do this. Massive props to people who do this stuff.


For extra context, a very high majority if electricians do not do this while as part of their job.


I’ve been an electrician for 10 years and what I’ve learned is that you can’t be ‘afraid’ of electricity you have to respect it.

Once I witnessed someone remove a small fuse using the incorrect tool (they should have been using a fuse puller but instead was using needle nose pliers). What ended up happening is that he squeezed the fuse which causes it to kink which then caused an arc flash. Voltage was 480vac. Which is not something to play around with. He ended up needed skin graphs on his hands and face.


I was working in an electrical room on an HVAC panel where a group of electricians cut a live cable and caused an arc flash.
I was on the opposite end, closest to the door, from where they were when my vision went completely white and I was deaf for a few moments.
Freaking out from my loss of senses I then hear muffled screaming from the electricians. I managed to stumble out of the electrical room when my vision came back.
Scariest moment I ever had on that job. From what I was told no one was seriously hurt.


Electricians dont make nearly as much as everyone thinks. Especially when everyone is convinced that its the easiest trade.


"Defusing the bomb"

Counter Terrorist Win


As my boss said, that suit will only keep your remains intact for the funeral, nothing more.


i did that for 19 ish so dollars an hour as a switchman at a power plant back in the day. So ya, id do it for a mill.


“I would do that for 1 million dollars”🎅🤶🧑‍🎄🗣️


I worked at a college where one of the maintenance men went and shut off a breaker box so they could work on a piece of equipment and it exploded, killing him. After this happened the rules were changed so that you had to wear an arc flash suit in order to turn on or off breakers or breaker boxes. If you didn't have said suit, then you weren't allowed to touch breakers. This was fine with me as it meant I had less work to do!


chemist here, you cannot ignite oxygen


As a former nuclear power station engineer with operational and maintenance authorisations, I never feared electricity, but definitely respected its power.
I have worked on live equipment and rotating machinery but in each case, forward planning was the path to safety. Never rely just on protective clothing, but assess every job to ensure that each risk is minimised and importantly, have a written plan that is peer reviewed and approved before the work commences. Training is vital.
My employers were very safety conscious and had excellent management systems to ensure safety. Safety does not cost money, it saves money.
Unfortunately, I never received a million dollars for working there.


"Working a job, even for a million dollars a year, where I'm not guaranteed to make it the next day is just not for me."
Oh man, dude would NEVER make it in Lethal Company.


Went to a tech school. Electricity and water boilers were probably the most terrifying things to read about.


Me either. At my job, every once in a while I make a mistake and it's fine, nobody gets hurt. With this guy's job, you can't make mistakes.


Professional Electrician here.
This Men deserves maybe 2k a month. This ain't nothing special.


20yrs industrial electrician. Did this stuff many times with up to 13 thousand volts but most commonly 2400 volts. This is when you rack or un-rack this gear. Ground fault arc flashes are 17k degrees, and the copper literally explodes and goes everywhere like molten shrapnel. Loud as a bomb going off as well, like far more than a grenade pop.


We called those ‘cal’ suits. They are rated for specific amounts of calories of energy. They are rated to minimize burns only. You may still get burns wearing them, but if you’re wearing the right suit, they should be minor. But like he said, they don’t do squat for kinetic energy or ballistic objects. Plus the things just tend to be hot to wear since they keep body heat in too.
On the other hand they’re much better than finding out first hand what 30, 000 degrees feels like - and the clean up after the arc flash is usually better.
The rules requiring them get more stringent all the time on when you need to wear them when you’re dealing with open cabinets with live 120 vac or higher voltages in them. Some locals or owners pretty much require them whenever you’ve got a live panel open. It’s to the point where we try to separate 120 vac and higher in cabinets separate from lower voltage equipment so the electricians don’t have to wear the suits when working on the lower voltage control systems. You’re often screwed when it comes to starters and switch gear.
Now you’re even supposed to put stickers on the front of cabinets and gear with the calorie calculations printed on it so they know which suit to use and the distances everyone else needs to stand away.
I’ve been in the business 40 years and have witnessed the aftermaths of 4 arc flashes. One destroyed a million dollar VFD but no one was injured, 2 killed people and one severely injured someone. The sad part is that the 3 people injured/killed knew they should have been wearing a suit but weren’t. All were caused by dropped tools in live switchgear or the bus side MCCs. The vfd one was caused by an overheat/cook-off in the high voltage section. In that one, the inside of the steal doors ran like water. Copper was mixed into the steal and ceramic insulators were incinerated. The flash lasted for a tiny fraction of a second before the breaker tripped cutting off power.


What's amazing is that no matter how dangerous, awful or bizarre the job, there's always someone willing to do it... for the right price


electricity is not to be messed with, in any way shape or form
