How Do I Know If I Have A Broken Nose?

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Dr. Michael Sullivan Facial Plastic Surgeon Columbus Ohio discusses broken nose symptoms and what to
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I hit the bridge of my nose on a little boys head and my nose bled so much now I’ve got a lump which is bone not a bruise


A girl was about to sit on my face, she somehow slipped and I got her tail bone right on my nose and I broke it.


I hit my nose on a table and it fucking hurt SOOO much! I cried for a min and then i got back up... i was in math class😑


I was doing flips on a trampoline and I kneed myself


if y’all want to hear what happened to me..😋

so i was at a friends house in like 5th grade (i’m only in 9th now btw) and i was standin and my friend decided to try an punt a basketball as hard as he can 🤣 it nailed me in the face so hard i fell back hit my head on the floor and almost got knocked out LOL my mom came out and i was crying and screaming and bleeding but she was like “no ur fine 😁 and threw me in a couch half concious and gave me an icepack and called it a day.

now, (4 years later) it has caused me more and more breathing problems as i get older and older.


I punched my best friend today and i feel so bad!!! I hope he is okay!


the tip of my nose moves side to side a lot without applying even a medium amount of pressure. is my nose broken? I fell about 5 feet braking my fall with my arm barely but the fall was strong enough to break my wrist and chip my tooth so pls tell me


I got kicked in the nose really hard and had a VERY bad nose bleed. It was about 10 hours ago and still really hurts. I don’t know if it’s broken 🤷🏽‍♀️


I fell as well and I hit my nose off the ground it has a few cuts on it but I do know if it's broken


Started boxing had my first spare session and i think i broke my nose


I hit my nose and I got it's been 3 days already as of now it's 1:01 in the morning this will be the 4th day for these past couple of days its been getting worst when I first hit it nothing happened it just hurt bad then it started puffing up the same day then the second day I had a black and blue ring around my nose the 3rd day I had a black and blue spot on my nose my nose is still kinda swollen and my eyes are turning black underneath what's going on ? No bleeding just a stuffy nose 1 nostril clogged up that's all


I hit my face on my bed and I wouldn't think it "broke" my nose but I did get some discomfort after.. just a little bit also when I see my nose now I see a slight sharpness to it on one side... Idk if that means it's "crooked" or "broken" or if that's just how my nose is and I'm overreacting lol


I was chasing someone then this kid turned the corner and my nose bashed straight into his head, it was bleeding for a while idk if its broken


I fell onto a climbing frame when I was 4 or 5 and I don’t know if my nose is broken.🙁 my mum said it’s not but idk


You talked about what to do not how to tell


I got hit nose bleed a little bit its swollen right eye is black I cant blow my nose or sneeze feels like air shoots into my eye socket and my eye swells more my ER said no broken bones so what do I do


i hit my face really hard and i started bleeding! and then it stopped after 30 well then my nose just hurts :( but my nose is not bent or misshaped!


Uh, my nose has a little bit of bleeding. But it is not leaking. If I put my finger in my nose. I can get a little bit of blood. Did I break my nose???? My nose isn’t out of place, or moved. I just was doing a flip and my knee hit my nose. I dunno if I broke it.


Someone elbowed me in the nose. It didn't bleed but it hurts. I can flare my nostrils and push up the cartilage. I don't think it looks crooked, but it might just be really subtle. So is it broken?


It’s been 5 years since my nose was broken can it still be healed ?
