OMG Free✨Shiny Dawn Wings Necrozma in #pokemongo

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#lunala #pokemongo #necrozma
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Can you get shiny Lunala in Pokemon GO?
Is shiny Solgaleo possible?
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Can you get a second Cosmog in Pokemon go?
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Can you get shiny Cosmog in Pokémon Go?
Can you get Lunala in Pokémon Go?
How do you get shiny Lunala and Solgaleo?
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Is there a shiny Lunala?
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How do you evolve Cosmog into Cosmoem in Pokemon go?
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Living in a smaller part of the country the fact I got both a shiny necrozma to Fuze, AND enough energy to Fuze it is one of the hardest things I've done in go


Fun fact necrozma is really the only one that matters when it comes to fusing


I now have hundo dawn mane and dusk mane with background
And i got sogoleo with background from research too


I thought I was gonna get sogoleo for free from research I have no credit card to pay for research and go fest in sted I got a dam sun crown and moon crown Pikachu but the cool part is I got a cosmog I evolved it and now Im gonna use rare candy's from raids and research to Evolve into sogoleo for free!!! 😎


I don’t have that reaserch I have the one with sogaleo tho


I'm crying because I have the shiny necrozma but i didn't got enough fusion energy because of less raid passes 😭😭


I got a 2064 shiny and maxed it with Lunala I also got a 98% that a fused with solgalio


you didn't fuse the background one, you get a special blue background


It’s not free if u were to buy the 2024 go fest ticket this would also be apart of it


But you loose your lunala special background


Will i be able to fuse two necrozmas at once??


Jai testé l'appli ca marche mm pas
