SA billionaire Rob Hersov speaks frankly about the state of SA - a MUST SEE conversation

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Rob Hersov was one of the keynote speakers at the BizNews Investment Conference (BNIC#2) in the Drakensberg earlier this month. After his presentation, the wildly outspoken billionaire sat down with BizNews founder Alec Hogg for a Q&A. The discussion which followed - which included questions posed to Hersov by delegates at BNIC#2 - is one you simply do not want to miss.

The views expressed by Hersov in this video do not necessarily reflect the views held by BizNews.
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The hardest conversation to have as a middle class black with other (majority poor) blacks is about how bad the ANC is for this country. They know that the ANC is bad, the problem is the distrust they have for people that don't look like them. It runs deep, and the ANC exploits that well. Victimhood is rife amongst the poor, and so the politicians pander to that for votes. My childhood neighborhood in Pietermaritzburg is DA run and I've seen first hand how good it is there despite the ANC running the city to the ground. A lot of people in the townships don't get to see that and so don't know what the alternative looks like. I don't vote, but if I were to vote logic tells me to not vote ANC but would I vote DA? I don't know. The difference in worldview between I and my white counterparts is stark and I think that's were we desperately need to bridge the gap. Black people too often feel that they have to give up a part of themselves in order to see eye to eye with white's (assimilation in language, lifestyle, culture etc. ) and that's very difficult pill to swallow.


Good words Rob, I am a black South African. You are total in all you speeches, we need to vote for a party that will really look for it's people. We need all people of different who belong to this country to come back and bring what was a wonderful place to live on


Until white people in South Africa come up with a viable transformative agenda, the voting will remain the same. We all know that life in black townships in 'The Cape' are as terrible as any other township. This is because the DA can't be bothered to improve service delivery for people that cannot afford to pay rates and taxes. So their key stakeholders appear to be high LSM residents who are unfortunately mostly white. For a well ran economy to have an unemployment rate of 32% is unacceptable. And to imagine that Afrikaans will be touted as a dominant language in any State that emerges out of the South African provinces just illuminates the extend of ignorance some of the proponents have for real issues facing this country.


I like this Rob guy straight talker and very direct. The ANC must leave ASAP!!!


I spent a fortune on putting a skills development business together that is online only, growing the learner to receive a national certificate. At point of acquiring SAQWA accreditation the red tape and narrow mindedness of red tape that put a spanner in the works and insisted I procure a classroom in order to train in that antiquated environment and will not issue accreditation without it. That would limit it to small area demographically. That defeats the entire business plan and robs others of a great opportunity. This is a major problem in SA. I have now moved it to the UK and it takes 14 days for accreditation through the CPD without any need of a classroom. This will now offer skills to the locals and far beyond around the world except SA. The red tape in SA for entrepreneurs ruins peoples hopes and a chance to become adequately up skilled.


I love the hope that Rob has for South Africa.I definitely support everyone regardless of the colour of their skin who wants to develop our country


We need to hear and see our politicians debating that way we will have a better view on each political party's policies.


First time listening to definitely not the last!!!! Voice of reason.


Wow we have a clever man saying very true things well done we need hundreds more like you Rob


What an informative and inspiring talk. Thank you, guys!


I love how he sit, speak, think articulate himself, you're right on sir, right on!


What a fantastic interview, so honest an by people with vision and integrity.


I'm not an SA cit anymore, left in 2003. Work for a company that doesn't have any offices nor will never ever have. To see the demise in 18 years, is jaw dropping. I have to agree with Rob Hersov, SA is not investable. In 2001 there were 602 listed companies on the JSE, now today only 344. Makes you think. A sure sign of going backwards. Not a slamming session, just facts.


Unfortunately the older generation love the ANC because of the struggle. Our generation is apolitical, the few that are love EFF which a little monster waiting in the wings. I fear for Mzansi. God bless uMzans Afrika🙏


Love what you said, we just need a better government. Everything you said is so true.


I respect him for saying what "most" whites are scared to say in public. He is 100% correct and also 100% wrong.


The main issue is a lack of opportunity. That opportunity has been taken away by Govt corruption. Stop the big corruption and the money will flow, making everyone’s lives that little bit easier.


Becoming goal oriented and investing are the most crucial life style to learn from a billionaire. My goal this year is to become a millionaire and I am almost there with the help of my forex investments, I have been able to shoot so high in my financial status. I earn 4 figures weekly and that has built a strong back bone for me, , , when you learn to invest, then you are ready to become wealthy.


Well said Rob. Cowardly big business. No one speaking out materially against the ANC's plans.


May God protect you Rob whilst you are doing part in South Africa.
