Sunday MARATHON: Jill Stein, Rania Khalek, Mike From The Humanist Report Interviews

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Hey Jordan, donated what I could, Thank you for having Mike Figueredo on & other independent media from Kyle Kulinski & Jimmy Dore! Keep up the good reporting!


Why did you forget presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, she did not wait, no wishy washy but clearly opposed any action in Venezuela. TULSI 2020.


Love it. divy up into segments and you will also have more content!


I smashed the like button so hard I broke my phone 😑


I love and support you guys. I want to watch these but they are hours long. I would love to see you break these into segments so I could watch each subject. It would be easier to watch a little at a time so I could watch and then go to each segment. People are very busy (if they have to work insane hours or have families and commitments). I am an activist and have several Not at computer activist groups and meetings for climate change, legalizing weed and helping progressive candidates. I lobby at our state capital. it would improve your viewership to do these in segments. Much love to you guys.


Hey Jordan, thanks so much for your guests, truthtellers and all that are stepping up. Do what you can with your new format of hookup streaming of various sources together.
OMG, and you have Rania Khalek, she's the best, and I wish you the best as you cannot go wrong with folks like her, real journalists. Great, thanks Jordan.
The thing is Jordan, is if folks looked at their small expenses, like how many coffees a week, or how much for lunch and so on, I give up soy milk sometimes to give more. But think of it, a BILLIONAIRE can spend $1 million dollars for the next 1, 000 YEARS. There's 1 million seconds in 11.57 days, and a billion seconds in 32 YEARS, so in those 32 years, after that time spending a million a year they've spent only 32 million dollars, hence that is what we are up against with money in politics, no way in hell can we match shit like that.


Here in England. The totally private Bank of England has stole Venezuela’s Gold money.


Rania does great bits on in the NOW twitter blurbs.


I would argue that it didn't start with the 2nd Iraq War....It started with the 1990s - first war in Iraq, but imho more significantly the wars in the Yugoslavia. The wars in Yugoslavia were significant because that was the first time NATO was utilized outside its member states. NATO after all was crafted to protect member states and as a defensive organization. If any member state were to be attacked, the other states would protect each other. Yugoslavia/Bosnia, et. al. were not members of NATO. I also don't believe Russia/China would get involved in a Venezuelan War - certainly not directly. It's too logistically difficult.


What the thing is is that our US Constitution has a section of treaties and foreign agreements that become America law when ratified.
 I'm glad she mentioned Iraqi deaths due to sanctions, 500, 000 deaths due to sanctions and an inability to get medicine and so they died from preventable disease, and in the 60 minutes interview with Leslie Stahl, when she asked if it was worth it to Madeleine Albright who said yes she believed it was. That just pained me so badly, I could only pour buckets of tears into my palms my head buried in my hands, wtf is going on, I thought, and I'm a man and unashamed to admit my sobbing uncontrollibly over this terrible news back then, And the last couple years in Yemen, it is just too much, why are we not ready to just stop this country dead stop in its Zionist foreign policy that is so wrong that's causing so much pain, and suffering in the world. It must stop on its own, but I'm afraid the world will end up stopping us and damn the bloated American military, that won't be able to stop them.


That was an amazing clip by Max Blumenthal revealing the degree of ignorance shown by U.S. legislators on Venezuela - it was on par with the average Fox viewer.


Thanks for the clip, Max has it on Grayzone. But it was amazing how ignorant and misinformed, misguided and clueless these lawmakers are/were. Even one lady saying she was not going to take the bait, SHE'S a goddamned lawmaker being askled a policy quiestions for shit's sake. BAITED??


Mike has a different voice than usual in this video.


Michael Moore, in his overlooked film 'Where To Invade Next' interview a private doctor in a country with a Single Payer system (I forgot which country - not the U.K.; possibly France or Germany); Moore asked the doctor if the government financed healthcare system kept him from making money - the doctor said he was paid well, had a nice house, 2 cars and 2 - 4 weeks vacation a year.. no complaints at all, at all.


Hi Jordan, we tried to join the zoom call but could not figure it out. Missed the time too our area is PST think you are 3 hours ahead of us? We checked it out around 4:30pm our time PST and no-one was on line in the Zoom link provided.


1:52:00 Interesting point about Obama not using his oratory skill (or the bully pulpit) to galvanize people over gun reform. The sad epilogue to that story came in 2016 when he said he wouldn't support any candidate that wasn't vehemently for gun reform - a position clearly designed to help HRC and hurt Sanders, given all the muddled stories circulating around Sanders about his past gun record.


Speaking of making connections....why not make the connection between military investments for imperial wars and shortages of re$ource$ for health care, education and a green new deal.


Venezuela is not a socialist country and never has been. Its amleft centre wing, so there for its a capitalists country.


Jordan, you need to be fair with AOC, just look at how she normally answers questions, she thinks about it and gives longer reasonable answers, she was probably told about a coming response or something. BE fair, when she hasn't shied from questions and has answered all very well so far. She wasn't trying to avoid or not be 'baited', she was closing the door actually, Maxc asked as she was in the act of closing the door, give her a break. Also, she's been in Congress for less than 2 months.


The goal was 50, 000 now u changed it to 70, 000 wtf dude
