Program your TinyG, TinyG G2, Grbl, or Arduino from ChiliPeppr

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You can now program any Atmel or Arduino board directly from inside ChiliPeppr. You need Serial Port JSON Server v1.83 or higher to have this feature be available. It works on Windows, Mac, or Linux including the Raspberry Pi.

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So I found this a time consuming task because once I had everything install on rpi2 i could not get the ttyUSB0 to show up in Chillipepper, only ttyAMA0. This was because I had SPI enabled in raspi-config for a different project. When this is enabled usb to serial will not work.


Excellent stuff.  Just programmed 6x Due's with G2 in under 10 mins (:   Well done John

- Peter van der Walt


Hi John
I must be on the wrong You-Tube tutorials because I don't understand most of what your saying. I'm a hobby woodworker with a desire to build my own CNC router. I have all my parts except the program the computer needs to tell the Arduino what to tell the steppers to do. HELP!
What do I need to download a project or create one myself to my CNC. I hope that makes sense.
Thanks, Tom


omg, there has been so much development in the comunity its crazy .


Hi John. Thanks for all of your work on this cool utility. And thank you for your active participation in the community in general.

I'm just getting into CNC (for myself anyway; I've used industrial machines for a LONG time, going back to million dollar 3D Systems stereolithography machines at my dad's work when I was a teenager), having picked up barely used Isel DaVinci (educational issue benchtop CNC router) that I need to update for modern communication. I was about ready to pull the trigger on a TinyG until I saw your post comparing grbl, TinyG, and G2. I found it compelling. In particular I find your future-proofing philosophy compelling. So many people have recommended that I get a G540, but I want to go forward, not backward, in time and technologies.

Anyway, two questions: #1: Is the G2 still what you would recommend for a 3 axis router? I'm also considering CNC-ing my manual vertical mill in the future, and I would like to use the same solution for both so I can reuse what I learn here when I move on to that. The one argument I find compelling with the G540 route is the higher power output for the steppers compared to these micro controller types. But I'm not seeing anything USB or Ethernet enabled that would provide comparable power output. Am I just overlooking them? #2: I've never done ANYTHING with Arduino or anything like this, so please check me on my thinking. My brother, who would normally assist me with this sort of thing, is now extremely busy as an IT director of a rapidly growing organization, so I'm basically on my own. If I'm understanding this correctly, all I need to do is buy the Due and the G2, wire it to the steppers and power supply according to the schematics I have from Isel, and then use ChiliPeppr to program the controller as shown in this video. Then it will be ready to calibrate and so forth. Does that sound right? Not asking you to be my tech support on the whole project, just please check my assumptions before I buy the boards. Am I missing anything important, especially anything expensive? :)

Thank you!!


awesome video, is the 6 axis code the same for gbrl (6 axis version) and tinyG the same?


hi, I'm trying to load GRBL to my Arduino due. when pressing the folder for uploading on the port nothing happens, can you help?


I was having a problem with my tinyG not responding and i guessed that reprogramming it would fix my problems and this video really helped. putting the reprogramming button in to chilipeppr like that made it so SO easy.
it all works again now after the reprogram and i dont really know much about all of this small computer and program stuff.
so when i can easily fix my own problems (with a little research) it give me confidence to keep going thanks!


sorry using text to speech. my last statement I thought one board would do it all. I'm trying to build my first system never use software before for this stuff I really want to get into it


It's convenient to be able to programm the board using chilipeppr so i don't habe to look for other programms. But how can I programm a custom firmware? I'm using Atmel Studio to build my firmware and i get a bin file and an elf file. Can I use eighter of them? Also they are located on my computer, but chilipeppr wants an URL. How can I do this? Thank you!


John I'm not talking about Mike 3 the software I'm talking about the XHC Mach 3 USB board. so its a CNC controller made by Chinese company not in any way endorsed by the software manufacturer. they just use the same name.


I wish I knew that before I bought the Mach 3. I guess it was a waste of money, still trying to figure all this out. do you know of any videos that explain what age should a different boards do because you mentioned buying several different boards I got one board did it all


how to save configured parameter on Arduino Due! for example i set 3ma =2 but when i unplug board and reconnect it 3ma=1(default)! Thank you so much


This is the most convoluted app that reminds me of cutting a lawn with a pair of tweezers. I just don't understand why you need to connect to the internet to control something that is right in from of you. Why isn't there a instlallable program to control a tinyg? The screen is way too busy and hard to work with. So, if you don't have an internet connection you can't run your CNC.


Did the programming of a Due from this, did not choose the edge version tho. But when i try to have chilipepper interact with it, it doesnt move the cursor on the screen at all, and the status go from ready to shutdown after a couple of clicks and the card need to be reset..
Is this because i dont have a Gshield on there and just the due?? i have stand alone drivers so can't really use the gshield anyway so.


I have a XHC mach3 motion card gen 3 Can I use ChiliePeppr?


Fantastic John, keep on the good work!
