FBI seized 'top secret' documents from Trump home, says US Justice Department

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Court papers reveal the FBI seized records include some marked as classified and "top secret", while the Justice Department says it has reason to believe Trump violated the Espionage Act.

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As of someone like trump would just leave sensitive info docs laying around a major propriety he has.. lmao


Well you did dependent from England you should know how wonderful the Nazi and ever hit her use the gestapo and the SS to rest opposition leaders now in America you can look how well the Democratic Nazi party of Nazi persecution of political opponents exacted a terrible price in human suffering. Between 1933 and 1939, the criminal courts sentenced tens of thousands of Germans for "political crimes." If the police were confident of a conviction in court, the prisoner was turned over to the justice system for trial. If the police were unsatisfied with the outcome of criminal proceedings they would take the acquitted citizen or the citizen who was sentenced to a suspended sentence into protective detention and incarcerate him or her in a concentration camp. On the eve of World War II, concentration camps held about 25, 000 inmates, most of them political prisoners.

Communist leader Ernst Thaelmann

Ernst Thaelmann, leader of the German Communist Party, was detained during a mass arrest of Communists following the fire that virtually destroyed the Reichstag (German parliament) building. Germany, date uncertain.

DIZ Muenchen GMBH, Sueddeutscher Verlag Bilderdienst

Anti-Nazi politicians and union workers either fled Germany or faced long-term confinement in a concentration camp. Ernst Thälmann, leader of the German Communist party since 1925 and one-time candidate for the German presidency, for example, had been arrested after the fire that destroyed German parliament building in 1933. He spent more than 11 years in the camps. The SS killed him in Buchenwald concentration camp on August 18, 1944, during an air raid on a nearby factory.

After 1939, with new territorial conquests and larger groups of potential prisoners, the concentration camp system expanded rapidly both in the number of prisoners and in geographic locations. Concentration camps increasingly became sites where the SS killed targeted groups of real or perceived enemies of Nazi Germany. Those used as forced laborers were deliberately undernourished and mistreated with the intent that they be "annihilated by work." Many prisoners died of starvation, disease, mistreatment or accident while at hard labor.

Author(s): United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC




USC Shoah Foundation—Living Histories: Vera Laska, Political Prisoner (external link)


We need to find out WHERE all the PHOTOCOPIES of those super secret documents were sent, and WHO got them.


The training of soldiers and officers of the new Irish Republican Army is already underway in Russia. The Irish are ready to help their country get rid of the British occupation, join the ranks of the New IRA. Training and development of combat coherence of the new units of the IRA army are already underway in battles with the Ukrainian Nazis prepared by the British in the Donbass.


I still don’t understand why people support Trump or what it is people see in him…..not saying I support Biden (Let’s go Brandon!)

…then again I don’t understand why people support Putin or what they see in him either


“Number one, it was all declassified. Number two, they didn’t need to “seize” anything. They could have had it anytime they wanted without playing politics and breaking into Mar-a-Lago. It was in secured storage, with an additional lock put on as per their request.

They could have had it anytime they wanted—and that includes LONG ago. ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS ASK. The bigger problem is, what are they going to do with the 33 million pages of documents, many of which are classified, that President Obama took to Chicago?” — Trump
