Did we choose the Right RV? What’s Good, What’s Bad (and Warranties after 1 year!)

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It's been one year since we bought our Alliance Parigdim 5th wheel RV. Find out how we feel about it and what's gone wrong!

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👫 ABOUT US➡ Hello! We are Aaron and Chris, a fulltime RV couple that lives and works on the road! We run an online fitness and nutrition coaching business (Irene Iron Fitness) while traveling all around the country. Follow along the journey with us!

💎IIF AFFILIATES: These are programs and products we use, love, and recommend!

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SAVE BIG💰 👇 Thank you to our current partners and affiliates!
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🍏 NEXT Group Challenge dates 9/2/24 - 11/10/24

👫 ABOUT US➡ Hello! We are Aaron and Chris, a fulltime RV couple that lives and works on the road! We run an online fitness and nutrition coaching business (Irene Iron Fitness) while traveling all around the country. Follow along the journey with us!


we ALL know you can NOT really say how certain warranty issues/dealings have gone and other things due to sponsorship but glad to hear for the most part all has worked out... BEST part of this video was the dogs running around the human teepee pole tying up their prisoner!!! 🤠


Nice to hear this update after your first year!


LOL!! The dogs tied Chris up... 🤣 Thanks for going over all that! Have fun and be careful!


I have the same unit as you. I put a $12 fan from Walmart on the dresser. It is a game changer. I was finding it warmer in the slide area of bed sweating in the middle of night. Love you guys thanks for your efforts


Hey guys, thanks for including clip of the fur babies wrapping up Chris. Had nothing to do with an otherwise great video, but it made me smile ear to ear. Thanks, take care and safe travels.


When we moved to a larger Class A and started our full-time journey in 2010, my wife insisted we have a washer-dryer. We have used that combo unit now for 14 years. The door hinge broke at about 4 years, I removed the door and repaired the hinge, still working fine. We had cats. We found that after 3-4 years the washer's dry cycle wouldn't work. On the internet, we found a particular set of instructions to follow that ran through 5 cycles, and with each cycle, it cleared more and more cat hair. (little puffs of hair came out through the holes in the drum). Good to go, 3-4 years later, run that cycle one more time, repeat. It is a very smart machine.


Every rv tour should go this simply! Thanks!


We looked at Alliance. Considered a 5th wheel last year. Due to open heart surgery last June and the frame failure issues decided to keep our travel trailer 26 foot toy hauler (Torque T26). The higher ceilings and separate bedroom helps separate living space. Still 3-4 years out until retirement. Currently have a seasonal site and travel 3 to 4 times a summer.

Best of luck with your travels and thank you for the videos.


One nice upgrade that Jayco provided in our Northpoint is the duct system on the a/c supply. Quieter and more distributed even distribution of air.
Our TV is a televator type that is motorized to go down behind fireplace.
We also Love the rear living triple slide floor plan!
Safe travel’s 😎👍


I didn't notice the windows were different until you pointed it out. I'm 100% with you on shorter RV lengths.


Thanks guys for giving your true upfront opinions so appreciate it


Cool tour! Not sure which makes me more envious - that kitchen or the dogs? Who am I kidding - definitely the dogs!!


Love the video! We are going to be buying Alliance Avenue 29RL we also plan on doing many upgrades similar to what y’all have done. Y’all have given me confidence to pull the trigger. From one full time family to another. Thanks 🙏


Great video, precise and to the point! Y’all are a great pair really enjoy your channel.


For your bedroom windows, we had our local sign shop install a vinyl on the outside of our french doors. During the day we can see out but you can not see in. It also helps with the heat. It's like the stuff that people put on the back window of pick up truck with some kind of wildlife scene. The stuff we used comes in different colors, and from the outside, it is hardly noticeable.


You have a beautiful rig thats thoughtfully set up. Hope you enjoy many more years in it. We chose the vented W/D combo also and love it too. Enjoyed your update!


The newsletter you guys put out today was really good. Also, a great video and an interesting topic that we all want to know about.


Thank you for taking the time to make and share this video! I am in the market and found this video extremely helpful. The numbers of ACs, length of the RV, mattress size, MORryde suspension, solar, and overall quality were very helpful in particular!


Good video. We have an Alliance Avenue 32RLS and we love it. One thing on the window size...the window behind the couch is that height due to the height of the couch. The other window drops lower because there's a table there, so it gets a bigger/lower window. With the couch sitting higher, there's really no benefit of a lower window, plus the couch could damage the window as it bounces down the road. Ya'll have a nice rig and 3 AC on a rig that length is a big bonus. Thanks for sharing.
