Flutter Tutorial - Full Course - Project Based
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In this course you will learn Flutter in 10+ hours I tried to explain flutter with real project :)
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00:00 - Introduction to this course
01:00 - Everything is widget!
02:15 - Dartpad and using some widget
13:37 - Material Design
16:56 - Install Flutter and Editor
22:23 - Let’s create login page!
23:00 - Login: Column Widget
25:14 - Hot reload
27:32 - Stateless widget & Hot reload
31:33 - Column properties
35:51 - Scaffold Widget
39:08 - Colors
40:16 - Login: TextField
45:37 - Login: TextButton
48:10 - Login: ElevatedButton
49:42 - Assets
52:42 - Image Widget
57:55 - Row
1:03:17 - Login Page: Fix theme and style
1:07:32 - SizedBox Widget
1:10:08 - TextField decoration
1:17:59 - Button Style
1:31:06 - Custom Font
1:39:39 - Define App Colors
1:47:02 - Padding and render overflow error
1:51:47 - SingleChildScrollView Widget
1:53:06 - Adaptive Ui with MediaQuery
2:10:51 - Navigation to Home Page
2:16:13 - Named Navigation
2:18:41 - Post List Page : AppBar
2:24:21 - ListView Widget
2:36:14 - BottomNavigationBar
2:43:16 - StatefulWidget
2:56:10 - SvgPicture
3:01:11 - Icons : Tip
3:06:35 - BottomNavigationBar Pages
3:09:49 - Theme $ TextStyles
3:16:02 - Post Page & Post Component : Tip
3:28:23 - Profile Page
3:39:15 - AppBar Component
3:46:52 - IconButton Widget
3:50:14 - PopupMenuButton Widget
3:57:30 - Crop a Widget : ClipRRect Widget
4:03:46 - Edit Profile Page
4:10:24 - Separate Strings & Routes
4:22:11 - User Avatar Component
4:27:07 - Stack & Positioned Widget
4:37:13 - Radio Widget
4:45:54 - Expanded Widget
5:02:19 - Customize TextField Style
5:11:04 - Custom BottomNavigationBar
5:39:06 - FlutterMap Package
5:55:13 - Request to Network! : Login User
6:23:15 - InheritedWidget
6:45:47 - Provider State Management
6:53:09 - Separate Network Section & LoginProvider
7:14:19 - PostProvider: Fetch Posts from server
7:39:53 - Add a Post with ModalBottomSheet
8:04:46 - ImagePicker & ImageCropper Package
8:35:46 - Chat Page & Socket Connection
9:01:18 - CustomPainter & CustomClipper; Markers in Map
9:43:11 - PageView Widget
9:55:32 - User Page; AnimatedWidget & CustomScrollView: Sliver
10:29:13 - Flutter Video : Animations
10:29:17 - Flutter Video : Slivers
10:29:21 - Exercises
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