Evening Tour of My Permaculture Backyard Food Forest 🌿🥑📍in Perth, Western Australia

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JOIN ME for an Evening tour of my backyard Food Forest Garden in Western Australia. As usual, it has been a very hot and dry summer here in Perth. Some of my gardens, like this urban Permaculture Food Forest-style one, are thriving, while others are dry and crispy! Today, I will take you on an evening garden tour and discuss why this garden looks so lush and green compared to my other gardens.

► More about me & my edible gardens:

🌱 I am a Kiwi 🥝
🌱 Located in Perth, Australia
🌱 Zone 10b ish
🌱 720sqm urban property
🌱 Sandy-based soil
🌱 Hot, dry climate
🌱 Permaculture Practices
🌱 Fruit tree collector
🌱 Creating long-term sustainable gardens




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Welcome to the first video back for 2025! Cant wait to share more garden projects with you this year. Tap the Thumbs up if you liked this video👍and check out the description for a list of info about my gardening zone and property size 🌿💚


So grateful for you showing what's possible in perth 🙏


I’m in Perth too and it’s been relentless these heatwaves! Had the best success with tomatoes this year, strawberry did well early but cooked now! And no success with my cucumbers and zuchinni seedlings getting eaten 3x! Love these tours thanks for sharing x


Thanks Holly, what an amazing garden. Please keep the videos coming.


Am in perth too was abit scary with fruit trees but seeing what you're doing I have some confidence ❤ thanks for sharing your space


Going bananas with bananas!
I can't remember anyone growing bananas in Perth when I was a kid.

My Oldhamii bamboo has gone mad this summer!
It hides an ugly fence really well and I'll be taking cuttings from it once the weather cools.
Free bamboo stakes for me. :)


Good to see you back, Holly. I've been feeling demoralised in my garden (Adelaide), after losing a lot of plants to the heat. Watching your video helped to boost my enthusiasm again.


Loving all of your garden, Holly! Great inspo to get our Perth garden in permaculture shape too! Our Mum had sweet potato growing wild. She often stir fried the leaves with chilli and coconut milk together with the SP itself. Try it out 😊


Came across you channel with that vid on passion fruit and like myself am in Perth. I have issue that my passion fruit vine is growing bonkers and flowering but no fruit set even though I have and pollinated. Maybe I should hand pollinate earlier in the day.

Anyway impressed how neat that garden is, lol mine might be more like your front yard. Will look to see if you have a vid of that.

Anyway long story short, after deciding I wanted to grow some fruit and veg rather than have rain water tanks I got a bore put in and I then I could go stupid with planting as much as I can fit in. Big mistake thinking that with as much water as I want the red loam soil just needed water to make things grow, mistakes made some successes, progress being make. It's a work in progress LOL

I’m liking the idea of growing stuff to use as mulch, also planting flowers to attract bees, sadly the bee hive in a big tree out back has vacated

I'll look to your other vids to get more tips


Feels. Central west NSW here. Going on the 8th consecutive day of 42 plus degrees and windy today. The summer time is rough for gardening, but evening time spent watering and nerding out over my plants is the highlight of my day, and season. Keep it up. I like these video's


Hey Holly! I am so glad I watched to the end and picked up some tips. Just another reason to be grateful for what I already have and how to feed the soil with the chipper which I have still in the box (never used).in the garage. My thinking has been too influenced by my wife's doll collection. N.B. Never take them out of the box and play with them if you want to resell them for a profit ;-). Your videos always make me grateful for what I have established already which gives me the shade I need in our Queensland summers. They are also a reminder that a garden doesn't have to be precious and that you can dig things out that aren't working which I heard Martha Stewart say recently. She is ruthless about what she has in her gardens. Cheers!


Quite inspirational seeing a garden like this in Perth. I just hate how sandy the soil is and how brutal the Summer can be.

Doing my best to grow dwarf fruit trees and some full ones from seed in pots thtst will eventually go out the front. Just a damn long process 😭


Thank you. You garden looks stunning. Very inspiring!


Always inspired by your lush garden and I know Perth is so difficult to garden in


Love your permaculture setup. I love the idea you gave reg planting papaya as a shade for growing plants. I'll be doing that. Thank you


Thanks. Happy New Year. We are collecting the condensation from our split system AC and use ollas to keep the water up to our new plants.


Wow it’s nice to find a garden channel that’s in Perth!! My dad has five acres in the hills with all sorts of fruit trees however the birds eat most of it before he can have any! I have a passion fruit plant along the carport, what a great producer (it looks pretty too). You’re so right about the mulberry tree gosh ours is massive, but the dogs love playing under it and we have almost an acre so it’s going to stay. I’m so excited to watch your videos and get some tips about growing veggies! My carrots never turn out right! Bring on autumn!


Holly! So glad to see you pop in the feed today! I was just thinking about you and missing your videos. Happy new year from Jenks, Oklahoma!


Garden looks great! ❤ currently 35 degrees F in my area. Planning my spring garden. Thanks for sharing


Amazing work, everything is beautiful and lush!!
This summer in Perth has been a rough one and it's only going to get hotter unfortunately. My own vege patch is looking thoroughly roasted :") I'm surrounded by a lot of red brick and colourbond fences with little nearby canopy cover, and that burning afternoon sun goes straight down my driveway. A real hotspot :'D
But you're giving me hope and inspiration that cooling and protecting the space is possible! I'm going to try a pomegranate to create a buffer between the garden and the afternoon sun. And lots of herbs for ground cover + attracting those important pollinators and pest eating bugs!
Thanks for sharing all your efforts, wishing you and your garden good health!!
