Flysky FS-i6 Firmware Upgrade Tutorial - How to Update fsi6 Firmware to 10 channels (Flyplus Beta)

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⚠️ NOTE: flashing this new firmware WILL ERASE ALL YOUR MODEL PROFILES ⚠️
Want 4 extra channels on your FS-i6? Me too! In this video I'll walk you through how I upgraded the firmware on my Flysky FS-i6 drone RC transmitter to be able to use four more aux channels (instead of only two), and make use of all the switches and knobs on this radio.
You will need:
👉 Flysky FS-i6 radio
👉 FlySky data cable (should be included w/ tx)
👉 Computer running Microsoft Windows 10 (for this tutorial) with internet connection
👉 A little bit of patience
(NOTE: this is not an "official" firmware upgrade. This is basically just a DIY mod/hack that someone came up with. Thus, don't expect to get support from FlySky if something goes wrong during this process. Proceed at your own risk.)
👉 Determine if driver is needed
➤Connect data cable to USB port on computer
➤Go to computer Settings then Devices and see if "USB to UART Bridge (COM#)" (or something similar) is listed
➤If it is NOT listed, proceed to next step. If it IS LISTED, skip the next step (driver installation)
👉Download DRIVER for data cable (ONLY IF NEEDED).
➤(CP210x driver will also work (and you *might* need it anyway, if you are planning on connecting a quadcopter to betaflight (this depends on the type of flight controller you have)))
➤Follow installation instructions on Pololu
➤ "IMPORTANT: You must extract the zip archive into a temporary directory. DO NOT attempt to double-click or run any of the files until you have extracted them.
➤ During the installation, Windows will ask you if you want to install the drivers. Click “Install” (Windows 10, 8, 7, and Vista) or “Continue Anyway” (Windows XP).
➤ The installer should complete successfully."
👉 Download new FS-i6 firmware
➤ Select most recent version (currently "10ch_MOD_i6_Programmer_V1_5")
➤ Click "Download" or "View Raw" to download file
➤ Open downloaded file and "MOD i6 Programmer" window should pop up
👉 Connect radio to computer via data cable
➤ Press and hold "ok" to enter main menu, and select "System Setup"
➤ Use "down" key to scroll to down to "Firmware Update"
➤ Press "ok" and confirm "yes" to enter update mode
👉 In computer Settings, go to to Devices and locate the "USB to UART Bridge" device
➤ Note where is says "(COM#)" (example: COM6)
👉 In the Mod i6 Programmer window, select the COM port (Serial Port) to match the USB to UART Bridge device
➤ Click "Open Port" (your current firmware version should now be displayed in the little box)
👉 Click "Program"
👉 Radio will beep and restart after successful update
👉 Power off and disconnect radio
👉 Power back on and check function (go to System Setup then Firmware version (FlyPlus Beta 20/01/16 8:27 should be displayed)
👌Ta Da!
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**REMEMBER, always use caution and your best judgement when building and flying RC aircraft, be a good neighbor, and HAVE FUN!**
About this channel: Adam makes FUN and HELPFUL videos about building and flying Radio Controlled aircraft, tech, and DIY projects!