Black TV Host Goes Silent After Guest Responds to Anti-White Question | ROUNDTABLE | Rubin Report

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Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Christopher Rufo, Spencer Klavan, and Josh Hammer about reasons to be hopeful this fourth of July. This independence day it’s important to remember why the world view of people like BNC News’ Marc Lamont Hill who grills guests like Christopher Rufo on racist generalizations of white people is so different from the individualism that has made the West so successful.

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Christopher F. Rufo
Writer, City Journal

Spencer Klavan
Host, Young Heretics Podcast

Josh Hammer
Opinion Editor, Newsweek


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"Racism isn't dead, but it is on life support - kept alive by politicians, race hustlers, and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as 'racist'" ~Thomas Sowell


The one positive thing you can say about being "white" is we, as a group, do not find it necessary to defend those that perform vile, criminal or reprehensible acts just because we share the same skin pigment.


I just retired after 34 years as a college English professor. I left when the order came down that all of us HAD to teach BLM in our English classes (I teach in an area where 88% of the population is Hispanic). I wouldn't have minded teaching BLM philosophy, so long as my students had been allowed to theorize what parts of BLM are weak, and often harmful. But this was not the case: BLM was to be taught as a sacred cow, immune from criticism. I taught too many students of color who admitted that while they were able to speak grammatically correct English in the classroom, they couldn't when they were back home in Dallas or Houston, because if they did speak English "sounding like a white person, " they'd be accused of selling out their race. To this day, I don't understand how understanding and speaking English well is a sign of "whiteness." This idea that black students must hide their academic excellence is what keeps so many mired in that vicious circle of poverty.


Someone should just say "I'd much rather be black and get the privilege of being able to ask questions like that without being branded a racist."


When all you have as an accomplishment is the color of your skin you have failed as a race.


As a white person, I have to admit, that I have never ONCE thought to myself, I am so glad I am white, I'd bet a cup of coffee, that few other whites have ever thought about that. I truely believe that we as a group, never think about white pride.


"Tell me something positive about being white?" Wow. That's the most racist conversational gambit I've heard for a very long time.


"Tell me something positive about being white?" "I don't complain about you being black".


The only group not allowed to talk about pride and positive traits.


The white guy is saying what Martin Luther King believed, i.e., judge a person on the content of their character and not the colour of their skin. The black guy is saying what the people MLK was fighting against said, i.e., pride, shame or other characteristics can be attributed to a person based on the colour of their skin. How did we get here?


What an intelligent gentleman, loved his response to a question that wanted to provoke and divide.


Great video David. We need to continue exposing this nonsense, and help people not to be intimidated by these THUGS!


Every person on earth who isn't a criminal, a liar, or manipulator should be proud to be who they are.


Odd...for people who have been historically so opressed by racism, to keep it alive


What I love about being white is not spending every waking moment OBSESSING about my skin colour to the point where I don't accomplish anything in life.


I'm a traveler, 197 countries so far - currently in SE Asia. Nowhere have I seen such racism as you see from colored people in the United States.

Yes, I said "colored people" - I know they are constantly changing what is considered racist regarding how to refer to them... as long as the CP in NAACP stands for "Colored People" then I'm going to use the term Colored People to refer to blacks in the US, especially since the vast majority are not from Africa and haven't even been there.


What a trap to answer a question like that. No matter what the response it will be thrown back in his face.


Brings to mind a response from Morgan Freeman when an interviewer asked how do we stop racism - Morgan to his credit responded with something like "stop talking about it". Truer words have not been said. Those who talk about it only want to perpetuate "racism" as a badge of honour to be a victim. Lets get real - the black TV host has risen above all stereotypes and is a good example of how good old hard work gets rewards - no matter what your race!


Try having a logical conversation with someone that believes objectivity's a facet of white-supremacy


Chris Rufo is brilliant, he handled that question so well.
