THE MINI ELEPHANT PIANO SONG! - CFI Random Summer Video Of The Day #7

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We're still living in what I have begun referring to as "The Coronavirus Times", and that means I still have a couple of Video Lessons, $CI FAX Videos and Name That Species Videos to finish working on from this past school year!

My productivity has slipped though, and this is unsurprisingly directly proportional to the change in season! It is SUMMERTIME now, which means I simply do not feel like sitting at my computer all day and editing videos when I could be outside enjoying the Summer!

I have most of what I planned to use in my videos filmed though, but the editing of said footage is quite a chore and always causes my perfectionist tendencies to stress me out..

So what is a Chef to do...

Well, if all of this Coronavirus craziness had never happened, one thing I had been planning to start-up was the creation of a "random, daily video" for each day of Summer! Today just so happens to be the first day of Summer, and after giving it some thought (while ROASTING in my attic!) I figured WHY NOT start this up now instead of waiting until next year! The Coronavirus has cancelled just about everything else, but it need not cancel what I had planned to do and film this Summer!

So, I am doing just that! I will still work on editing my other videos AND filming the videos I had planned on working on this Summer, but for now at the very least I plan to just create and release SOMETHING....ANYTHING, on a daily basis from here on out to spread some positivity (and get better at finishing videos, albeit short ones!)!

SO! Please enjoy the SEVENTH installment of ChaseFloydInc's RANDOM DAILY SUMMER VIDEO!
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Can you please do how to get a win in fortnite. I'm really bad and use some pointers.
