How NOT to talk to patients

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This is the equivalent of “oh you have anxiety? Well just stop worrying!” As if that solves the problem


Addiction: compulsive continued use in spite of negative consequences.
The solution, shockingly, is not to just yell "Stop it!" Don't forget lots of medications can help with alcohol use disorder!


As someone studying addiction. This is a huge concern with people who struggle addiction when it comes to going to see a doctor or go to the hospital. Thank you for shining a light on what doctors shouldn’t do.


I really appreciate this. I had a long, difficult addiction to self harm. I once sat for 89 stitches in one sitting. the doctors were very kind to me and let me scream when they numbed up my entire forearm and spent three hours as a team putting it back together. others were clearly annoyed that I was wasting their time. kindness goes so much farther than these lectures. we know we fucked up. we know we are on a path to destruction. we usually just need some compassion.


As a recovering 22 year old alcoholic, I'm very warmed by the empathy given in these replies. You're all very kind. It really seriously helps me a lot seeing people be so understanding, and helps with my issue on building 'hope' for the future. Cheers.


I have chronic pancreatitis and Some doctors automatically assume I was an alcoholic. Im not, I actually haven’t had a drink in years. But I’ve gotten the addiction speech from some ER docs and I’m like, ummm not helpful here. I’m here because I can’t eat due to the pain I’m suffering. There really should be a class on how to actually talk to patients. We need to be talked to and not lectured.


My favorite is ICU teams that get super pissed at addicts “destroying themselves” then when I ask about supporting increased access to addiction care all I get is “that would be too expensive”!

100k for rehab versus the millions we just spent in the ICU?!

Ah when even healthcare teams under appreciate preventive care….

Sorry, I’m on call this week and this sort of stuff is getting to me (and it’s only the first day!)


I'll never forget in small group therapy at rehab, wed joked about how much this happens to addicts, with doctors, teachers, parents etc. And my counselor decided to turn that sort of negative reinforcement into a positive by us claiming it ourselves and making a bracelet that literally says

*Just stop it*

So we could always have that to remember and laugh at not only society but our own difficulties in life...I still have mine 😂


"You gotta stop drinking! It's that easy!"

"My goodness what an idea! Why didn't I think of that!?" -Simpsons


I got told often as a female adolescent with an ED to “just eat” by old guy doctors. It’s never that easy. jeez.


That's nice they're keeping him in the hospital. Our local hospital will immediately stop treatment on whatever it is that's wrong with you once they hear you're an addict.
Here's just some of the things I've heard and dealt with my own eyes:
A broken leg to where the bone is sticking out of the skin, was told to go to a specialist and send out the door without even crutches. They gave him Tylenol while he was there and him walking back out the hospital caused him to not be able to walk properly ever again.
Another man I know had a seizure (not related to his addiction) and broke his nose that needed to have the skin re sewn on it, and his jaw was broken so badly he couldn't close his mouth or speak. They sent him out within an hour saying he needed to call a specialist and keep dry and clean and blend his meals. He was homeless ..
A young woman came in with writhing pain. She couldn't sit still she would just moan and vomit saying her back hurt. They found out she took methadone and she told them she threw that up as well. Staff concluded she must just be going through withdrawals and took out her IV and send her home with a narcan kit. Turned out she had over 12 kidney stones and was passing some but since she was on a recovery based medication, they sent her away.
I could go on and on and on. I've personally lost friends because of this hospital.


It's incredible how common this is, like, it's clearly an unenjoyable, painful, humiliating, and costly addiction, of course they know it's bad, they aren't stupid. If it was as simple as knowing addiction is bad for you, then there wouldn't be addicts... it's obviously much deeper, yet people refuse to accept accidtiom is highly complex


There should be a whole degree on how to communicate with patients effectively. Great video as always!


A lot of older healthcare providers have this mentality I’ve found. Many newer graduates have the understanding that not just patients like this but also opioid use disorders or other addictions have a different type of issue related to psychosocial instability. It’s not as simple as just quit it’s more of finding out what it takes for them to feel that they can quit.


The minute that Dr. Whisper (the scoundrel) started talking 'at' the patient like that - I wanted to pour myself a drink.
 Like a reflex, the minute someone tells me how 'easy' it is to fight addiction, I feel this urge to escape the situation - ha, jokes on... uh, me? I guess?!

Seriously though, a great video Doc, it really is a multi-faceted issue for most people, and the psycho-social factors involved are often too complex for one discipline or supportive agency to solve in isolation.

I think most addicts (that I've ever met at least) are so beyond aware that they are harming their health, and therein lies a huge part of the problem.
We still do it, but in essence, when we do, we are hoping for a 'cure' all the same. It's an upside-down logic for sure, I know.
Thanks for showing how it ought not to be done, and raising the other options for healthcare providers/humans in general ❤️


I'm a PhD student in an addiction biology group, and...yeah, the way the health care system treats substance use disorders is nothing short of awful. While I myself don't work much with sud, my boss is a psychiatrist specialised in addiction, and the way he speaks about his patients take speaks of his love and care for them.


It’s tough, but with mental health, literally every little interaction and emotional signal is relevant to the patient. Communication IS the medicine


As a person who has struggled with addiction for most of my adult life off and on, I love the fact you ate addressing this! "Talks" like those aren't helpful or productive 🙄 It certainly doesn't make the addict want to open up or find help. Thank you, Dr. Schmidt!!


I once went to a hospital bc I thought I was dying. Turns out it was a major panic attack. They kept me overnight on a watch. A young new doctor came in my room at 2 am. Sat with me for 2 hours and just talked to me and gave me mental health advice. I'll never forget him. It was 10 years ago, and I hope he's kept that caring energy and is ok.


My doctor did this to me when my transplanted kidney was failing. I’m glad I found a therapist that showed me this behavior sucked. Thanks for the video 💜
