Gökçeada Eşelek Sahili

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Eşelek, Çanakkale ilinin Gökçeada ilçesine bağlı bir mahalledir. Bir zamanlar Çanakkale'nin Biga ilçesine bağlı Eşelek Köyü, baraj yapımı için sular altında kalınca köy halkı Gökçeada'ya kurulan bu yeni köye yerleştirilmiş. Eski köylerindeki tarihi cami minaresi de onlarla gelmiş. Tarım ve hayvancılıkla uğraşan köy halkı, köyün etrafındaki elverişli arazileri ekip biçiyor, bazıları pansiyonculukla uğraşıyor.
Merkeze 8 km. uzaklıktaki köy, 2 km. mesafe ile Aydıncık plajına en yakın yerleşim yeri. Plaja yakınlığından dolayı konaklama tercihi olabiliyor. Bu yüzden köy halkı yazın evlerini apart pansiyon olarak kiralıyor.
Hepsi deniz manzaralı, yynı tip, iki katlı, ufak bahçeli, rengarenk evler asfalt yolun kenarına, hafifçe tepeye kurulmuş. Köydeki iki bakkal ve yol kenarına dizilmiş meyve-sebze tezgahları, burada kalırken alışveriş ihtiyacınızı giderecek kapasitede. Yemek yiyebileceğiniz bir iki restoranda bulunuyor.
Eşelek'e Aydıncık plajından daha yakın olan Kefaloz Plajı özellikle kitesurf yapanların tercih ettiği bir koy.
Eşelek is a neighborhood of Gökçeada district of Çanakkale province. When Eşelek Village, which was once a part of Çanakkale's Biga district, was flooded for the construction of a dam, the people of the village were settled in this new village established on Gökçeada. The historical mosque minaret in their old village also came with them. The people of the village, who are engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry, cultivate the suitable lands around the village, some of them are engaged in hostel business.
8 km from the center. away from the village, 2 km. The closest settlement to Aydıncık beach by distance. It can be an accommodation choice due to its proximity to the beach. That's why the people of the village rent their houses as apartments in summer.
All of them have sea view, same type, two-storey, small garden, colorful houses are built on the side of the asphalt road, slightly on the hill. The two grocery stores in the village and the fruit and vegetable stalls lined up by the road are enough to meet your shopping needs while staying here. There are a couple of restaurants where you can eat.
Kefaloz Beach, which is closer to Eşelek than Aydıncık beach, is a cove especially preferred by kitesurfers.
Merkeze 8 km. uzaklıktaki köy, 2 km. mesafe ile Aydıncık plajına en yakın yerleşim yeri. Plaja yakınlığından dolayı konaklama tercihi olabiliyor. Bu yüzden köy halkı yazın evlerini apart pansiyon olarak kiralıyor.
Hepsi deniz manzaralı, yynı tip, iki katlı, ufak bahçeli, rengarenk evler asfalt yolun kenarına, hafifçe tepeye kurulmuş. Köydeki iki bakkal ve yol kenarına dizilmiş meyve-sebze tezgahları, burada kalırken alışveriş ihtiyacınızı giderecek kapasitede. Yemek yiyebileceğiniz bir iki restoranda bulunuyor.
Eşelek'e Aydıncık plajından daha yakın olan Kefaloz Plajı özellikle kitesurf yapanların tercih ettiği bir koy.
Eşelek is a neighborhood of Gökçeada district of Çanakkale province. When Eşelek Village, which was once a part of Çanakkale's Biga district, was flooded for the construction of a dam, the people of the village were settled in this new village established on Gökçeada. The historical mosque minaret in their old village also came with them. The people of the village, who are engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry, cultivate the suitable lands around the village, some of them are engaged in hostel business.
8 km from the center. away from the village, 2 km. The closest settlement to Aydıncık beach by distance. It can be an accommodation choice due to its proximity to the beach. That's why the people of the village rent their houses as apartments in summer.
All of them have sea view, same type, two-storey, small garden, colorful houses are built on the side of the asphalt road, slightly on the hill. The two grocery stores in the village and the fruit and vegetable stalls lined up by the road are enough to meet your shopping needs while staying here. There are a couple of restaurants where you can eat.
Kefaloz Beach, which is closer to Eşelek than Aydıncık beach, is a cove especially preferred by kitesurfers.