SNEAKiNG to our BARBiE CiTY!! Playing inside the Portal House just don't wakeup the Rainbow Ghosts

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we got some new neighbors in Barbie City today!!
This is an #ad for Mattel.

WELCOME to adley’s BARBiE CiTY!!
fully equipped with marine biologist Barbie, fashionista Barbies, pool side Barbie, & much much more! all a part of the Barbie System of Play. see ya on YouTube! Parents, the Barbie System of Play products are available at Walmart, Target, and Amazon.

HEY EVERYBODY!! Me and Dad have been working on something really cool and we can't wait to show you guys.. but we have to be really careful! Basically, we found out the perfect time of day when all of the rainbow ghosts go to sleep, so we have been sneaking into the portal house while they take their naps and building a Barbie city with all of our Barbie toys in purple's closet! So today we brought even more toys to add on! When we got to the portal house everything was really quite so we thought the coast was clear, then we started checking on all of the Rainbow Ghosts to make sure they were asleep! Blue was sleeping in the kitchen with marshmallows spilled ALL over him, Pink was asleep with his headphones still on playing music, Purple was asleep.. well I guess purple is always asleep, but we couldn't find green! Right then we heard a really loud bloolooloooloo in our ears, it was green and he was standing right behind us! We ran around the kitchen to get away from him but he woke up all of the other Rainbow Ghosts too! So we ran up the stairs and slammed the door shut in purples room! It was definitely a close call, but we made it to Barbie City! We brought a new marine biologist Barbie this time so we got her all set up by the beach. Then I pretended to be a little girl named Little A.. and Dad pretended to be my Dad! While my dad wasn't around I went to the marine biologist and adopted a new pet fish! It was just a baby fish with a hurt fin.. so she said if I take really good care of it that some day we can release it in the ocean! In Barbie City I also have siblings, one of them is named Neo.. kind of like Niko, and the other one is name Avey.. kind of like Navey! Once we had all of the new Barbie's set up in the city we played family and did all sorts of fun things like tumbling, soccer practice, and a career day to find out what we want to be when we grow up! And after all that playing it was time to release my pet fish back into the ocean!

Bye vlog *pshhhhh*
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