10 SECRET Unwritten Rules YOU MUST KNOW!

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#Yugioh #TradingCardGame #TGSAnime
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Unwritten rules from the anime would be better. Like how you must always explain pot of greed when you play it, or how almost all the duelists seem to play a single copy only in their decks, or like deck themes 😅


I started applying the "don't attack directly with your strongest monster" rule from the early days of Duel Links when people sometimes used The Golden Apples.


I had a guy combo off when he had game so much so that it triggered nibiru and he had already wasted his negates then I revived a monster and…. He Quit. I wish more players emphasized good sportsmanship like What’s talked about in the video.


Skinner: Final Countdown
Chalmers: Fi....Final Countdown!? In this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely in your duel board?!
Skinner: Yes! :)
Chalmers: May I see it?
Skinner: Hmmmm.... no. (attacks with beatstick)


God, the first one is such an issue in master duel and it really makes me hate that youre punished for surrendering.


Not overextending is such a great rule, because it's also just advice.

You have NO IDEA how many times I won in Duel Links simply by my opponent being certain he won so he goes off trying to get the flashiest win possible, only to die to one card because he leaves his whole combo interruptible. I won SO MANY GAMES by my opponent not reading B.E. Solid Dragon and just assuming it's a dead card since I didn't activate anything, only to sac their entire board for a boss I can just negate with him and swap out.


I have my own unwritten rule.

If you make an elemental hero deck, winged kuribo has to be in the deck.


I actually have a funny story about getting BM’d on Master Duel. I was playing my Frightfur decks against an Eldlich player. I had no plays on the board, three cards in hand, and this guy had a beefed up Eldlich on board and three cards in back row. Instead of attacking for game, he just ends his turn. So I take my turn, proceed to Fusion Summon out Frightfur Sabre-tooth, and the game went downhill for him as soon as my monster hit the board because he couldn’t do ANYTHING about it. I would then proceed to stall him out with my wall of cat doll that can’t be destroyed by battle or card effects, until O got more monsters out and beat him down. This will live on in my Master Duel memory forever. If they had just attacked, they would have won. Ego is one hell of a drug.


15:10-15:17 Don’t think any of us would notice you’d just reference the Steamed Hams meme from The Simpsons. Still a funny meme today.


You get one summoning chant per duel, unless you play an anime deck and the impression is neat.


I always wondered what BMing was, i knew if i just kept watching these i'd learn one day


His effect is even better when you realise it’s any zone any link monster points to, not just zones he points to 👀


As someone who played DL before MD, I can’t count how long it took me to get used to not setting Spells/Traps in Main Phase 1, and actually waiting till Main Phase 2.


13:22 - 13:42 You don't realise how accurate that is - whenever a monster is stolen in the anime, the attack declaration is almost always "attack your former master", either verbatim or some iteration of that.


The slight thing with playing cards in the same column is that in Master duel on console when you’re placing a spell/trap facedown, the game will automatically place the outline of that card in the middle zone if your backrow is empty before you confirm you’re placing that card facedown. Which is a bit annoying because you gotta move it to where you were planning to place it originally.

Also in slight defense of the stinky duelist, there are just times where you’re at locals, all the duels are happening pretty much right beside each other and there’s really no way of avoiding starting to sweat a bit.


I love this one about finishing the duel with a stolen monster. It's just so satisfying to do. Especially in MD if it's a monster with a flashy animation.

Though there's also an inverse of this. Sometimes it can be pretty funny to finish a game with a tiny monster.
Like when you are just a few hundred LP off and still have a normal summon for a Maxx C or something.
Or when your opponent has a full board, low LP and you get to win simply by running into some left-over combo piece.


Another one for Master Duel specifically: Don't scoop unless you're 100% sure that you'll lose!
Way too often do I see opponents just give up after a single hand trap or board breaker, even though I bricked in the first place. They could've won, but now they'll never know because they didn't even check what I was playing.


Like putting their cards in face-up defense position, or never reading their opponents cards? Oh wait I thought this was for the anime 😅


For the first unspoken rule, I surrendered a game knowing I wasn't winning, told the opponent several times that I surrendered, and they kept going. I said stop several times and they just didn't stop going full combo. I actually left that tournament that day because that person legit made me want to punch them in the throat. Recently (and I'm glad I haven't faced this person) I went to a tournament and the one person on tenpai was speaking like the most toxic piece of shit out there because he was the only person in the entire tournament with fuwalos. The person who beat him was on ritual beast and went undefeated and actually pulled a fuwalos after the tournament, but it's still not enough to justify the tenpai player's behavior. I may be a burn player, but my decks are actually interactive and require far more brain power than go second turbo. Apparently a new maze set is coming out next year (maybe? They still haven't put it on the products page) and if I have to face them, I am 100% calamity locking him with Caliyuga in performage, if he goes first to avoid that (shocking for tenpai, I know) I am going to otk with the worlds dumbest arc rebellion (i can and will give it extra attacks with the non PK half of the deck in performage) and seeing how he like having to play against a toxic piece of shit like him. Nice mulcharmy's idiot, too bad they don't help out against summoning caliyuga on your turn


you forgot the most unwritten of rules: Read your cards. Or my personal favourite: If they activate maxx C, just stop.
