Prospect - Movie Review

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On 'The Hart Beat', Chris Hartwell reviews Prospect. Starring: Pedro Pascal, Sophie Thatcher, Jay Duplass, Andre Royo, Sheila Vand, Anwan Glover. Written & Directed by: Chris Caldwell & Zeek Earl.
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It felt like "real" SciFi, I liked it a lot.


It was impressive how much they did with so little. My favorite moment was when the antagonist says "Either shoot me or help me, but make up your mind". With that one line, I suddenly cared about this guy.


One of the best sci-fi film I've seen in years! Proof that you don't need hot movie stars and a big budget to make a cult classic!


The move is about a story everyone knows, but taken place in a different time, and a different place. The movie was about exploring the idea of history repeating itself. There are cowboys, indians, contracted work, covered wagons, gold mining, western lingo, desperation, starvation, greed, betrayal, love, violence, death, life, and character development. 100% classic story-telling. The move is a beautiful piece of work, brought from a small indie short-film and turned big-budget. The entire movie has next to no CGI and fills it in with logical set design and atmospheres. Pretty much a filter over the whole movie that portrays a small part of a planet undergoing terraforming, and it's fucking brilliant.

This movie portrays a realistic look into what generations of the future undergo if humans can finally find a way to sustain ourselves off earth. Our journey will be no different, but far more difficult.
The music score, cinematography, acting, and writing are perfect for what it is. This is not supposed to be a film filled with twists and micheal bay plot holes, it's a straight line of inevitability, and it's believable.
If you are yet to see the movie, have no expectations going in, just watch, enjoy, immerse. It's a great film and criminally underrated.


It is an amazing movie with a perfect soundtrack.


The simple fact that I am googling this film obsessively proves how intrigued I am with both it and its world. Absolutely loved it, the acting, the characters, but most of all the environments and the taste of a bigger, enigmatic universe.


Just got done watching it. I feel the exact same way about this movie. It was so good, and I really want to see more. I want to see what becomes of Cee. I want a Ceequel!


I watched this movie before The Mandalorian came out because I loved Pedro Pascal on Narcos and The Kingsman Golden Circle. I can definitely see how Pedro got the role of Mando from this role.


Very impressive film. From a visual standpoint its beautiful and thoughtful cinematography caught me offguard when I first saw it a couple of days ago, but it's been its wonderful soundtrack that has really stayed with me. Pascal played a very charismatic scoundrel, thanks in part to the flashy dialogue, with a surprising amount of honesty and heart, and Thatcher delivered a very strong performance, both in terms of quality and in the actual strength and determination her character displayed throughout the film. 6/10. a bit of a messy final act but overall, pleasently surprised. I will keep an eye on the directors and talent involved, as well as on this channel.


I absolutely loved this film! It is true science fiction, which we don't see much of these days. The film also had an excellent story, with excellent acting. There was only one scene in the film that gave away an event that would happen later, but I suppose there was no better way of presenting it. (Without giving anything away, it was a scene where a character told another not to mix two things together.)


I just saw this film and it is absolutely fantastic. The Red Viper gives an incredible performance.


saw this movie just now. I absolutely loved it. Beautiful visuals and a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack. It reminded me of the music on 'Avalon' (2001 - Mamoru Oshii).
Things like the strange alphabet or the use of language were also very well done, helping to create context, without ever drawing attention to it.
Ahh, I will sleep very well tonight. I always do after discovering a real gem :-)
Great review btw. Couldn't agree more.


Just finished watching it. Wow. loved it.


Anyone knows the songs that the badass female merc plays to make em deaf? Or even the song Cee plays when she is stoned on those bubblegums?


Much better than The Martian.One of the most unusual relationships i have ever seen in a movie.


The production value, costumes and props in this movie was Stellar! Really love the look. And finally something original. Not based on a book, remake, reboot, sequel or prequel. They also built the world bigger than the movie. The way they speak, we as viewers have No point of refferance. But understand the context. Makes sence, as this is way in the future.


I loved how Ezra spoke. It reminded me of like an old western style of English grammar and sentence structure. I could be off and it’s just something made up but that’s what I thought of….that and it was like the old west and they were gold prospectors, just on another planet and prospecting this other stuff (whatever it was called).


Saw this today in Seattle. Loved the movie especially Pedro and Sophie. Noticed while watching the credits that there were some Seattle-based credits which was news to me. Also heard from some folks afterward that they had worked on the film! Thanks for your review!


I consider you a genuine critic, more so than the more popular video review channels. You exhibit deep knowledge and clear perspective, which are both expressed with clarity of diction. It’s not just a list of attributes, but rather you explain your relationship with the the film and how said film relates to the world of film itself.


This is the best indie sci-fi film I've ever seen. Terrific performances by Thatcher and Pascal keep the action taut without gratuitous violence or language, and the film succeeds because the focus remains on the compelling relationship between them.
