Mary and the Protoevangelium of James

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It is a 2nd century infancy gospel on the miraculous conception of the Virgin Mary, her upbringing and marriage to Joseph, the journey of the couple to Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus, and events immediately following.
It is the earliest surviving assertion of the perpetual virginity of Mary, meaning her virginity not only prior to the birth of Jesus, but during and afterwards.
Condemned by Pope Innocent the Ist in 405 and rejected by the Gelasian Decree around 500AD, yet became a widely influential source for Mariology.
The Gospel of James was well known to Origen in the early 3rd century and probably to Clement of Alexandria at the end of the 2nd, so is assumed to have been in circulation soon after ~150 AD.
The author claims to be James, the half-brother of Jesus by an earlier marriage of Joseph, but in fact his identity is unknown. Early studies assumed a Jewish milieu, largely because of its frequent use and knowledge of the Septuagint (a Greek translation of the Jewish scriptures). Further investigation demonstrated that it misunderstands and/or misrepresents many Jewish practices.
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It is the earliest surviving assertion of the perpetual virginity of Mary, meaning her virginity not only prior to the birth of Jesus, but during and afterwards.
Condemned by Pope Innocent the Ist in 405 and rejected by the Gelasian Decree around 500AD, yet became a widely influential source for Mariology.
The Gospel of James was well known to Origen in the early 3rd century and probably to Clement of Alexandria at the end of the 2nd, so is assumed to have been in circulation soon after ~150 AD.
The author claims to be James, the half-brother of Jesus by an earlier marriage of Joseph, but in fact his identity is unknown. Early studies assumed a Jewish milieu, largely because of its frequent use and knowledge of the Septuagint (a Greek translation of the Jewish scriptures). Further investigation demonstrated that it misunderstands and/or misrepresents many Jewish practices.
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