What the heck is ASN.1?

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Links to resources mentioned in video:
What the heck is ASN.1?
What is ASN.1?
Introduction to ASN.1
[CPP'23] ASN1*: Provably Correct, Non-Malleable Parsing for ASN.1 DER
Formally Verified ASN.1 Protocol C-language Stack
SNMP - programming in ASN.1
LOST Project: Hacking Microsoft ASN 1 Library
Alexander Kiryuhin. ASN.1 for Perl 6: with elegance and metacompilation
asn 1 parser in C Python
EDR Workbench ASN.1 Configuration and Browsing Demo
ASN.1 Studio (version 6.0) - Overview
extracting raw ASN.1 parts from X.509 certificate
Making an ASN.1 Deserializer and Serializer
how to make ASN 1
Use of Abstract Syntax Notation (ASN.1) (3 Solutions!!)
How to create required information to generate an ASN1 license key file
Code Review: ASN.1 BER Encoding and Decoding (2 Solutions!!)
DER - Distinguished Encoding Rules
NMT Lect 11: Abstract Syntax Notation 1 examples
Adding mutations to our ASN.1 library
Unix & Linux: Decoding ASN.1 messages using Openssl asn1parse tool
Introduction to ASN 1 Notation Used in 4G and 5G I ITU-T