Get Back Up: Blue October's Justin Furstenfeld on new documentary

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Get Back Up takes an unwavering look at the band as they grapple with the fallout from addiction.
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two weeks after his concert when he hugged me and I told him thank you, I told my husband… I hope you’re OK with me loving this man. Because I love this man. And he said absolutely

Not in a weird way, not in a romantic way, I love his heart, I love his mind, I love who he is and that he shares his story with us, and that he has been with me through my journey, through so many things I have endured, and all of his music that released was the perfect song for that moment in my life, all the way up until now. Dealing with the PTSD of my previous divorce and having gone homeless with a one-year-old baby. I just wish he knew. I wish he knew. But when he came to hug me, all I could say was thank you. And all he could say was you’re welcome.
And I felt in that moment it was enough


I'm glad for Justin that he's back to being HAPPY ! For me, clean and sober since 12 / 20 / 04, but I need to work harder on the HAPPY part because there are days when I feel like I'm falling down and sometimes inside out !


You are fabulos!!!! Justin and all your team! Oh my my! Îs in my soul Forever


It's a great documentary. Check it out, especially if you're a Blue October fan.


We need more movies about musicians and with no drugs


Jesus so hard ! Fair play guys THANK YOU for helping Justin 💙


The only thing I disagree with Justin on is if marijuana is prescribed by a doctor for pain or other illness even if you have depression it is a Medicine and not abuse just like if you were on an opioid pain medicine because you have severe pain but you don’t abuse it or use other drugs you’re not using then technically because you’re taking medication prescribed by a doctor so Justin is not a doctor and cannot say cannabis does not help it helps me immensely even though I have severe bipolar anxiety and PTSD it helps me a lot it’s prescribed by a doctor I go to a dispensary it’s medication it really is a healing herb 🌿 it’s helped me get off opioids and I’ve been heroin free for 2 1/2 years but the doctors prescribe my cannabis and it helps remember no one has ever died from cannabis use you can’t overdose and die on cannabis so this is the only thing I disagree with Justin on because cannabis can be used as a medication why can he take his bipolar medication or depression medication made by big Pharma but he puts down a plant 🌱 and it can be used by people with depression you just have to use the right strains Also you can go to meetings and even be in groups or inpatient somewhere and be on a controlled substance by a doctor it’s still means you’re taking sobriety seriously if it’s prescribed and you take it as prescribed this includes cannabis I see what he is saying but I don’t think you should stop taking a medication prescribed by a doctor I have stopped taking heroin for 2 1/2 years because of my cannabis card I have got off all my opioid pain medication because of my cannabis card cannabis saved my life literally now is cannabis for everybody no but I think they should look into it as an option before using big Pharmas medication for an illness discuss it with your doctor even if your state isn’t legal yet discuss it with the doctor if he thinks it’s right grow it yourself it’s easy to do cannabis can save lives it’s not a cure to any disease whatsoever but it helps with so many things such as insomnia, depression, anxiety, PTSD, migraine relief, pain relief, Antinauseant, induces appetite, blood pressure, diabetes, CPRS, fibromyalgia, cancer, aids, Phantom limb pain, IBS, glaucoma, gout, inflammatory issues, muscle spasm relief, muscle cramp relief, withdrawls From benzodiazepines opioids Or barbiturates, ADD, ADHD, Autism, seizures, spinal injury, nerve damage, Parkinson’s disease, lupus, Alzheimer’s, als, anorexia, causalgia, chrons, dystonia, hepatitis C, hydrocephalus, hydromyelia, multiple sclerosis, nail patella syndrome, neuropathy, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, polycystic kidney disease, post concussion syndrome, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, Sjögren’s syndrome, spinal cord disease, spinocerebellar ataxia, ulcerative colitis, Tarlov cysts, Tourette’s syndrome, traumatic brain injury, syringomyelia, superior canal dehiscence, Arnold chiari malformation, cachexia/waisting syndrome, polyneuropathy, ehlers danlos syndrome, fibrous dysplasia, interstitial cystitis, muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis, myoclonus, nail patella syndrome, neuro behcets autoimmune disease, neurofibromatosis, neuropathy,
Osteoarthritis, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, residual limb pain, Epilepsy, opioid reduction and more. It can aggravate schizophrenia paranoia or anxiety with the wrong strains however I have heard Credo helps as well although I have never tried it personally
