LEGO Classic Space collection - 1978 to 1988!

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Wowww thanks to everyone for the wonderful feedback!  Folks have been sharing this around the world and I'm thrilled that this video was able to spark so much nostalgia and general enjoyment.  Isn't LEGO *great*?!


Wow, this took me straight back to my childhood. I am 41, I got my first set when I was 5 in 1979. It was the Rocket Launcher and I was hooked. Seeing my very first set in your video was amazing and brought back a lot of very happy memories!


Awesome collection! I just visited England and flew back with a bag full of vintage LEGO I received as a kid. Currently rebuilding several of these sets and feeling very fortunate to be able to play with these once again decades later. Thanks for sharing these!


My favorite toy ever was 442 Space Shuttle. I still have the remains of it. Some parts are gone and some have been replaced. I cannot tell you how many adventures that little white astronaut had interacting with my other toys and landing on furniture planets. This was a true joy for me to watch. I love the AT-AT inspired walker but I don't remember it from the books. I remember wearing out Lego catalogs and wanting so many of these.


Thanks for taking me down to memory lane. My dad bought me, my first Lego Space set back in 1984-85.


They need a new space theme like this. No violence stud shooters or any of that just exploration


So I guess this is it! No more classic space reviews. I will be sad not to have these videos pop up in feed anymore because I truly enjoyed their novelty. Other reviewers aren't as dedicated to reviewing sets as you are, and that definitely shows, because you reviewed tens years worth of a single series. I loved these reviews, and it was fun for me to go along for the ride, as you completed your collection. You may have been surprised at how many views the the videos got, but at the end of the day you can rest assure that you made one fan happy!

Thank you for being awesome, I can't wait to see what you do next.
PS: What car would you like to see in Speed Champions next? I'd like to see the 1967 Mini Cooper rally car in Lego form!


The level of awesomeness in this collection is off the charts. Thank you for putting it all together.


Looks awesome as a full 10 year collection. Love this era for Lego.


Nostalgia overload! I owned probably a third to half of these sets in the 80's. One of my larger regrets of growing up was giving my entire Lego collection to my kid brother, 16 years younger than I am, who pretty much lost, or destroyed most of it. I was able to get a quarter of the total collection back some years ago, but I would never be able to assemble even one of these sets again. :(


That's a display! Love this collection. I should really make a display for the two themes I've 100%- Toy Story and The Simpsons (actually, wait, I DO have those on display)!


Phenomenal! Even though I'm way too young to have any semblance of nostalgia for them, I love the look and feel of the earlier Classic Space sets. 


I love these sets! I owned a couple, 4-5 of them back in the 70´s. My dad also got me 8-10 of the gray landing/crater plates. Awesome fun turning the playroom into a space landscape. Good times!

Thanks for this!


Awesomeness and nostalgia overload!!! And so much blue as well! Not many Lego themes are as memorable as Lego Classic Space! No way!


I had several of the early sets from 1978 to 1981 so a lot of memories for me. I have collected several pieces from ebay hauls but have yet to find any space minifigs which are probably well sought after but I will keep looking out for them. The biggest one I had was the Galaxy Explorer, with the two baseplates but I gave all my Lego away back then and regret it now but it's in the past and I can't change it. I have collected probably as much, if not more, Lego in the past few months and I am building MOCs again.


I counted to 5-6 sets that I had when I was a kid, but I can’t remember all the small sets I had. But this brought back a lot of memories.


Best era of legos ever. I went off to college and my mother gave all my space legos to one of her friends kid. I can say I miss them to this day.


Wow, dat nostalgia. Those blue "visor" window things bring back lots of memories lol.


Seeing so many of those classic astronauts inhabiting that environment at the same time makes me very happy.  I'm super thankful that I get to live vicariously through you in this fantastic miniature world you've constructed.


I was not around when classic space lego sets were in production but, I think that classic space was the best lego series ever made and I hope to get my hands on some of the ships and bases in the future.
