Redux Tutorial - Learn React/Redux in one video
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Learn Redux (with React) with this tutorial! All the major parts in one video. SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, and COMMENT to support the channel =). Click on the times below to jump straight to that section:
1) 00:14 - Topics
2) 00:29 - 2 Redux highlights
3) 01:21 - Store, actions, and reducers
4) 01:43 - Installation/setup
5) 02:47 - Create the store
6) 03:49 - Dispatch an action
7) 04:20 - Update the store with the reducer
8) 05:26 - A more real-world store/reducer
9) 07:16 - Setting an initial state
10) 07:49 - Using Redux Devtools
11) 10:38 - Using Provider make the store available to the app
12) 11:07 - Redux file structure/organization
13) 12:53 - Connecting components to the store
14) 13:05 - mapStateToprops
15) 14:25 - mapActionsToProps
16) 18:11 - Using passed props in mapStateToProps
17) 19:36 - Passed props and bindActionCreators in mapActionsToProps
18) 20:51 - mergeProps
19) 21:48 - API requests with redux-thunk middleware
20) 26:43 - SUCCESS, ERROR, and REQUEST actions for API requests
21) 27:47 - Using reselect for organization and performance
22) 30:17 - Smart vs. dumb components
1) 00:14 - Topics
2) 00:29 - 2 Redux highlights
3) 01:21 - Store, actions, and reducers
4) 01:43 - Installation/setup
5) 02:47 - Create the store
6) 03:49 - Dispatch an action
7) 04:20 - Update the store with the reducer
8) 05:26 - A more real-world store/reducer
9) 07:16 - Setting an initial state
10) 07:49 - Using Redux Devtools
11) 10:38 - Using Provider make the store available to the app
12) 11:07 - Redux file structure/organization
13) 12:53 - Connecting components to the store
14) 13:05 - mapStateToprops
15) 14:25 - mapActionsToProps
16) 18:11 - Using passed props in mapStateToProps
17) 19:36 - Passed props and bindActionCreators in mapActionsToProps
18) 20:51 - mergeProps
19) 21:48 - API requests with redux-thunk middleware
20) 26:43 - SUCCESS, ERROR, and REQUEST actions for API requests
21) 27:47 - Using reselect for organization and performance
22) 30:17 - Smart vs. dumb components