AMTRAK-Spends BIG- new TRAINS- better SERVICE !?!?

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Amtrak news announces that they will be updating their fleet and they have awarded a contract to build new trains in the amount of 4.3 Billion dollars. This announcement goes further in the rail lines commitment to renew its fleet, expand its service to areas that are underserved by rail and to upgrade its dining car experiences. What will this mean for rail travelers? It means travelers will experience more comfort, wider isles, more windows, air ride suspension and increased accessibility.
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Doesn't the CARDINAL pass through Cincinatti?


I would love to see some sort of "business class" that also includes free dining. This should include 2+1 seating, wider seats with higher seat backs, with thick, plush cushions and head rests, and AC and USB power for each seat.

For the long-distance sleepers, those REALLY need an upgrade. The sleepers they run now, the bedrooms and roomettes are tiny, cramped, with beads that are too short for somebody my height (6'4"), and the mattresses are far too thin thus hard. They also need ac power and USB power for each bed plus a shelf to hold things like C-PAP machines.

The dining car needs to go back to what it was before the food service cutbacks, the ones due to both budgetary reasons and the pandemic, to full-service, freshly-cooked meals, using fresh ingredients, no Chef Mike.

The Eastern Seaboard and ICE trains of the Eastern part of the nation as well as where it makes sense to do so (San Diego-Los Angeles-San Francisco, Portland-Seattle-Vancouver BC, Los Angeles-Barstow-Las Vegas, and the East Coast of Florida) need the high-speed, 200mph trains — and yes, they need to be 200mph to really make them worth it. If you have mountains or waterways in the way, bridge over them, or tunnel under them; look at Europe, Japan, and China, they are all succeeding quite well with their HSR projects.


It's great news to hear Amtrak is replacing the Old Fleet with New Trainsets from Siemens and the Fact that the Return of Dining in the dining cars are once again a great Move for Passengers. Now with the updated equipment and the Modern look Amtrak needs to hire individuals who are willing to upkeep the Interiors and Exteriors of the New Fleets, on board Service also will need training to keep the service in tip top shape compared to Europeans trains, Japan and other Asian trains that are Fabulous inside.


Your content is great, I think if you were to improve audio and lighting and bring the graphics up to date, your channel will grow exponentially.


only so much it can do on its own, it needs help from states, government and public


CORRECTION: Houston, Texas does have Amtrak passenger train service (Sunset Limited), although only every other day in each direction. More service would be great and an upgrade to the current station is needed to improve ridership.


hello im glad amtrak is making these c hanges. cant wait to see thse changes come abouit. im a fan of rail servcie. hope to see more food service on the capitals and other trains. and single seats id love to seehtat


Amtrak needs new tracks, you can have 300 mph trains but you can't run 300 mph trains on 25 mph track. Thankful for the train updates but still need new track.


Hi, just noticed your page. I am a retired Pilot who loves to ride the rails if I can find the lowest bucket price for a Bedroom or Roomette. Without having to bother a agent at Amtrak or punching in day by day for months on the Amtrak App, do you know the fastest way to find the lowest bucket price if your travel dates are flexible? I am just waiting for them to drop the mask mandate and get the Dinning Car back on all the Long Haul trains.
Hope to ride the rails soon again.
Thanks and have a great day.


It's sad to know that the chargers will soon replace almost all the p42DC locomotives


would like to see better time on the acela train checked out tickets its reiduculous that acela cost 3 times more and only arrives 30 mins faster than the regional


Does this mean that AMTRAK is no longer a non compete company?


Don’t you like vintage trains?

Is a question with all respect
