Canada Goose - HD Mini-Documentary

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The Canada Goose, also called the Canadian Goose, is the most plentiful waterfowl in North America.
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I love Canada geese. I love to see them flying in the fall sky in their beautiful V-formations. I love their honking. It is music to my ears. It brings tears to my eyes. In all the chaos that surrounds us these days, it tells me the seasons are steady and constant. It assures me something remains right in the world. They are beautiful, majestic birds with a group ethic that human creatures would do well to emulate.


i've seen this goose. They quietly sat on the grass just near a very busy street. they were very gentle. when i walked toward them they slowly walked away without making any noise. I love them.


Once you show your friendship and respect to them, you won't see their aggressive behavior toward you. They are faithful and honest. They easily recognize you without doubt.


Even though they're considered annoying, but to me they're so cool... I like to immitate their honk sound to them.

The baby ones are SO cute, and it's interesting that they're Green when they're young.


A number of years ago during a severe winter, I fed the geese who congregated on the lawn of my apartment complex to help them through the winter (not all the geese fly south, some remain north all year). One day I came home from work, got out my car, and went directly to the downstairs mailbox. The geese saw me, recognized me, honked in excitement, and flew across the large expanse of lawn directly to me. They knew I was the lady that fed them, even though I wasn't anywhere near my apartment.


I love these geese. I think they are so beautiful. When I hear them, I try very hard to find where they are so I can admire them. Thank you God for creating such a beautiful creature.


Geese are smart birds they are the best


Canada Geese are my favorite bird and one of my favorite organisms in general


Canada Geese are pretty nice to people (or at least to me). There are several that come around Feb- July to the creek next to where I work. I give them bread (with added carrot juice and calcium carbonate). They hiss at first but quickly become friendly, so I can pet some of them. Others take food out of my hand but don't like being petted. None has ever tried to bite me. I think their bite is too weak to be a weapon.


Thank you for a terrific video on such a wonderful animal. Canada geese are truely magnificent creatures. They are also very graceful in flight.


I know some people see these as pests. And, I'll admit, it bothers me when they don't get out of my way when I am riding my bike. However, they are pretty magnificent creatures and I think we are lucky to have them in abundance.


Thanks. I figure most of these people have their opinions for a reason. I'm not trying to change their minds. Just trying to spread an appreciation for the animals.


The uploaders responses to the mean comments is amazing. You're not defensive or rude. You're just plain sarcastic and funny. Its quite refreshing.
And these animals are beautiful. Well done!


These birds are awesome! I've developed a semi-natural honk to imitate them and have tried to teach others how to do it, but I seem to be the only one who can make the sound. XD


Great video -- very informative. I know a lot of people don't like these birds, but I do. In fact, they're my favorite birds. I love to watch them glide into a field or go over my house in a big flock -- it's so beautiful.


During the warm months I run along a river trail every day, and these geese are constantly hissing at me and sometimes nipping at my legs. I like it. It makes an otherwise unexciting run a lot more fun. I think of it as running the "goose gauntlet".


The adults even let me feed and pet their babies. They are not aggressive if humans respect them in the first place.


I was in San Jose Del Cabo. That's How I found you. When I returned from my trip to Cabo I was looking at videos about the area. I came across your videos and I loved it. I will download the picture of the bird and try to send it to you some time. I will certainly keep watching for more of you work. Good job man - Chris


Thanks for the feedback. I love wildlife, so I'm hoping to do more of these in the future. There is such a wealth of cool animals to explore. Mexico has some really cool animals. Where did you see him? My best find in Mexico was probably a kit fox in the desert.


Canada geese are very friendly. People just need to respect them and be patient, yet unfortunately not many people excercise those simple morals. I recently got to pet one for the first time. He/she didn't mind at all that I was petting its back as it ate seeds from my hand :) Why would you hunt a canada goose to make a jacket? That's like hunting down a chipmunk and calling yourself a man.
**I love to watch geese fly, I can't stop looking up haha <3
