Custom Dropper and Dispenser Crafting - Minecraft Command Block Tutorial [1.10][1.9]

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This is how to custom craft in Minecraft using droppers. The /stats command is very important for this so I will go over that too.

Commands: Please try and avoiding using these. Try it yourself first!

/scoreboard players set @e[name=craftingMachine] statTracking 0

/execute @e[name=craftingMachine] ~ ~ ~ /stats entity @e[name=craftingMachine,c=1] set SuccessCount @e[name=craftingMachine,c=1] statTracking

/execute @e[name=craftingMachine] ~ ~ ~ /testforblock ~ ~-1 ~ dropper -1 {Items:[{Slot:0b,Count:1b,id:"minecraft:diamond"}]}

/execute @e[name=craftingMachine,score_statTracking_min=1] ~ ~ ~ /blockdata ~ ~-1 ~ {Items:[{Slot:0b,id:"minecraft:redstone",Count:1b}]}

/scoreboard players set @e[name=craftingMachine] statTracking 0


=====Amazing Graphic Designers===============

strad - C418

Not too command block savvy? No problems!
Check out my tutorials:

If you wish to hire me for my knowledge of commands, check out this link:
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I absolutely love your tutorials. I'm starting to get a basic hang of command block contraptions, but had no idea something like the stats command existed. Thank you for all the hard work learning and sharing this information!


That moment when you realized, you have learned all the commands except 1. The stats command.


*To those saying you can do this without the /stats command*
You can do this, but don't expect it to work in multiplayer and don't expect it to work with multiple crafters. If you want this in a functional module, you need /stats


*Before watching*
Please make sure you've seen this blockdata video:

Also make sure you're familiar with some of this knowledge:

Also I uploaded a video to my music channel =)


This was VERY useful. I've been wondering how to do this for a while now! I'ma have to re-watch the video a few times, maybe pause here and there for certain things, also gonna have to combine this with the floor craft for certain things i have in mind, but other than that, this is, as said previously, VERY useful XD. Thanks for the Tutorial, and have a nice day :D


For small servers (around 10 players) it also works, if the player has to stand on top of the dispenser/dropper and the whole system shuts down and outputs a message, if more than one player are using this at the same time (you need only 2 command_blocks for each recipe + 1x the system-shutdown with 4cmdblocks), . This works fine for small servers, because it is realy unlikely that two player are using it at the same time, so the errormessage will likely never occour AND its safe against item duplication. But for larger server the way of this tutoarial might be the only way. Good tutorial btw. :)


Thank you for explaining such a complicated to most command blockers and providing this tutorial! Now I can craft my custom item called the "Float Gem"


The way I have been doing it is testing for an areaeffect cloud on a dropper with the items in it and then executing a conditional blockdata command afterwards. Thanks for this tutorial, seems a lot more efficient!


Thanks! I was looking for a custom crafter which was accessible from anywhere and you were just the right person to teach me how to do it! You are the best at command blocks compared to other YouTubers!


I have make for me in the past a method for custom crafting. The problem on my method was, you can trick it. I had no accurate way to detect which crafting table have the right recipe.

Your method with stats is perfect. I will change my method in the next days!
You have changed my life, thank you ;). Very useful video!

(Sorry for my bad english, I live in germany :D)


I have really hard to make this alone and it never worked, but after watching this tutorial, I finally learned how to make a custom crafter. Thank you for the tutorial.


Wow jragon for months I've been working on a command mod pack and have been trying to add a custom crafting feature one day I found this video and you made it to be extremely hard so I got scared and quite trying to make the pack then today I finally swallowed my fears and final attempted this all I have to say is in my opinion this is extremely easy


I watched stats command tuts and this video again and again until I got the concept jragon explains very well! love your vds jragon!!


Oh, one more thing, I really appreciate that you said "or maybe another fan of mine."


Thank you. I was searching for that for ages!


thanks dude i've been waiting for this for so long


Yes, learning new things. The "/stats" command is actually the only command that I didn't know how to use.


all this time I've been executing off the entity off the player off the entity to keep it individual!! this has helped me tremendously!!! thanks! :D


OMFG I never heard about this command. Thank you much!


Thank you sir. I am currently planning out a server with a scientist class and need a good crafting system with multiple players crafting on multiple workbenches. Yes it is complicated but if I study this I'm sure it will be useful.
