Beginner Vs Pro Composer: Can you hear the difference?

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0:00 Intro - meet Frank and his girlfriend Mieke
2:30 Frank's piece in its original form
5:57 Tip 1: Hold Stuff Back
8.38 Tip 2: Draw the Ear
9:26 Tip 3: Vary Melody & Accompaniment
11:10 Tip 4: Change up the Patterns
13:26 Tip 5: Don't think like a theorist
15:10 Tip 6: Think about register
16:47 Tip 7: Direction of Register
18:17 Tip 8: Musical Metaphors
19:15 Tip 9: Integrate Ideas
20:20 Tip 10: Overall Balance
24:00 My re-worked version of Frank's piece.
27:00 Reactions from Frank and Mieke
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Well, if Frank and Mieke ever get married they’ve now got the perfect piece to play them down the aisle! Cracking job David! 😊


This was an absolutely amazing experience. Thanks so much David, you're so kind! Oh and instructive, of course! :)


Could there be a five composers video with this idea? A minute long peace by a "rookie" and five composers doing their crazy covers of it but still trying to keep it recognizable.


If we can stretch the metaphor of the piece as representing a romantic relationship, to me Frank's original version is an expression of someone experiencing that relationship for themselves, and David's rework is like a parent watching their child experience that same relationship with the benefit of more life experience and sharing in the same joys but also able to better see the nuances.


One thing I immediately noticed about the original was that, as a bassoonist, it was a very taxing part. Dotted halves the whole way through makes for a very tiring experience. David's changes, while making the piece a bit more technically difficult (slurs to high D, 16th note runs, yadda yadda) it makes it far less physically demanding from an endurance standpoint. There are more obvious points to breathe and rest and having a variety of registers and rhythms means the embouchure uses different muscles throughout, rather than sitting on the same muscles used the same way.


This is honestly so inspiring. I wish there were more opportunities for aspiring composers to get their work played. Perhaps it could be established (as some kind of rule of honor) for professional groups that they do one "open submission" piece at each concert instead of only playing things by classical / known contemporary composers.


In a world filled with war, divisiveness, hatred, disrespect, and never-ending bad news it is easy to head toward emotional disconnection--but then something like this video, filled with creativity, kindness, intelligence, and love comes along and pulls me back from the brink. Thank you David, Frank, and Aeolian Winds.


i liked both versions. Frank really has talent!


That was educational from a technical music perspective; but it was also just kind, generous and romantic. Human beings at their best. Love to you David, Frank and Mieke ❤


A really thoughtful video, learned a lot listening to the reasoning behind some of your decisions.


Rensen’s original (or can we say “Rensen’s Original”?) is gorgeous. Honestly. He wrote a beautiful love-letter to his girlfriend. [Speaking of metaphors, the breathlessness of the writing is in itself quite meaningful… (if slightly unmanageable in real life; we do gotta breath…)] But the idea of expanding and inserting a trove of pertinent, gently elevating contents and magnifications from the experienced Bruce style—that truly brings this love letter from a breathless, heartfelt, private testament of love, to a deeply satisfying, universal piece of literature.


The main flute melody reminded me of the waltz theme by Michael Giacchino in the Pixar film "Up." Great job, Frank, composing the piece and great job, David, for making the piece sound fuller and richer.


Man, this vid had me smiling the whole way through! Very nice David!!!


I think the sweet spot will be somewhere between the two versions. The revised version has better structure and some lovely harmonies (the oboe/flute rising sixths at 24:42 in particular, later echoed by the clarinet/bassoon). But there are sections where a lot of simplicity of the original was replaced by quite noisy/busy stuff and I felt that detracted from the intended mood of the original.

Great video though, very instructive stuff and how lovely for someone to see their composition performed by professionals.


These tips are tremendous as well for improvisors to think about when constructing a solo!


Im almost crying, wow... 🥲 what a video!!! David you have smashed it out of the park yet again; the initial idea for this video, the execution, choice of guest composer, exceptional editing, EVERYTHING is just perfection! Frank and Mieke are the cutest couple ever and I wish them many more years of happiness together <3

Your composition tips made me think about the way I compose and I find it cool that the element of luck/trial and error is the way how I make all my compositions more interesting too!

It is honestly a true crime that this video has so few views. I have seen that you’ve been trying to change the titles and thumbnails but with little success. In my opinion I think it’s partly due to the fact that this video isn’t politicised or dramatic in any way, it’s simply just pure loveliness, and that’s why I love it!


As a fellow composer studying music at university, this made me smile more than you could imagine! You really nailed your approach to this David; getting the best out of it for you, your audience, Frank, and Mieke!


It's really interesting how well your ten points apply to writing a story, particularly the task of going back through and foreshadowing the ending. It was great to see the reasoning you used when picking things to emphasize and transform and draw out. The original felt like a song, and the revision feels like a story or a play. What an amazing collaboration! Y'all had me crying happy tears to see their reaction to the performance 😭🥰


That was a great video idea! So entertaining and informative. Frank seemed very happy. You're a nice guy David :)


"Welcome to the world of composition."

This feels especially impactful for me who just got into composition. There is this indescribable feeling after penning down the last note of the first ever complete composition that reminds you you have crossed the threshold and entered a new world. Hearing a piece that you wrote being performed live is incredible, seeing the musicians putting in time and effort for it makes all the doubts and insecurities you have to face while writing worth it. I wish I had someone saying such a thing to me when I recorded my first composition.

Congrats, Frank! It is a sweet and beautiful piece. You can be proud of it for sure!
