VideoLAN VLC Player TV Tuner Streaming Explained

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PART 2/2


This video is just a small add-on / accompanying video for my brief VLC streaming tutorial, showing you behind-the-scenes settings I haven't shown in my first video (for clarity).

Please, note that VLC Player is a very hard app to understand and use, and your success in streaming videos from one computer to another (or mobile phones/tablets) will greatly vary.

Idea behind this video is to get you familiar with terms SERVER (your main computer that streams content), CLIENT (laptop, phone, tablet) and IP address setup on your LOCAL NETWORK.


0:00 to 1:30 = Main computer (server) stream settings
1:30 to end = Remote laptop computer settings
0:50 ~ 1:25 You can safely ignore this settings. They are specific to each hardware / TV Tuner cards. I wish I could delete them now :)



ENGLISH: Recently, I've uploaded a short video showing how easy it is to stream video over LAN using analog TV Tuner as a source and VLC Player 2. This version is a bit more detailed with commentary in each screenshot what you should do and pay attention to.

SRPSKI: Nedavno sam postavio video tutorijal u kome sam pokazao kako je lako strimovati video preko lokalne LAN mreže koristeći analogni TV tjuner kao izvor i VLC plejer 2. U ovom videu malo detaljnije objašnjavam neka podešavanja i na šta treba obratiti pažnju.
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VLC is unfortunately not optimised as a TV app right now. Changing channels can be done durring streaming, but the streaming is usually broken on the client's side. If you looked my earlier video and set the tv streaming, you can try clicking settings button on Server's side and change the channel by entering number from 1 to 368 (VHF and UHF range). But that operation breaks the stream on my laptop.


Darko, podesio sam sve prema tutorijalu i onom tvom prvom i ovom. Problem je sto mi secka zvuk i lokalno na serverskoj strani i na klijentu, ocajno je. Inace mi zvuk na tv kartici radi dobro kad pustim tuner na desktop kompu (u ovom slucaju serveru) strimujem na laptop direktno preko lan kabla bez rutera jer mi je mreza u kuci malo komplikovana (2 wireless rutera jedan ripituje drugi...) Sta bi moglo da bude? Pomagaj brate, ja stalno visim na desktopu a moja cura oce da gleda tv pa ocu da joj strimujem na netbook :)


How to create multicahnnel server with vlc tuner? its possible?


You just select tv tuner as a source and instead of stream select play from a drop-down menu on the lower right panel. That's it.


there is no tutorial in the entire web about vlc as tv tuner player, i hope you can make it one


hi.... could you show me how to play vlc as tv tuner player? including with channels search?
