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Heart rate training? MAF method? Power Meters? Vo2max?
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I agree with not using the 220-age formula. When I first started using a chest strap on my 5ks had my average HR go as high as 177 with a peak HR of 193 (at the last quarter mile push). I was 57 years old and the formula predicted 163. I have run half marathons averaging 167.


“You can’t sprint a marathon” well, tell that to Kipchoge 🤣🤣

EDIT: for those who can't understand the joke and insist in correct me in the comments: I know Kipchogue is not sprinting a marathon, it was a joke about how he is so fast that his marathon pace is faster than most people's sprint. Joke: a anecdote intended to be funny and not taken literally. You can tell that's a joke by the use o crying laugh emojis.


I'm 32 years old. And even with HR monitor, i get close to 180-190 bpm for LT.
I think its cause I have a fair amount of muscle in my legs and upperbody due to being an olympic weightlifter for the better part of 15 years. Now that I have taken up running, I've been trying to learn how to interpret some data to how I feel during runs. Decided to start from the bottom up and doing base training and just going for time; 45 min runs, 1hr runs. 90min, 2hrs. Just to understand what an easy pace is because I never knew what easy was and its been a learning curve but an enjoyable one. Feels good to run 90 min straight with no stopping, take a shower and feel energized enough to take on the day and even a lifting session afterwards. Great content and super relatable. Subscribed!


New haircut! Now you look even faster! 😁
Thanks for the vid! I love how you and Sandi explain things. Always something to learn.


This is a much-needed video. my maximum heart rate does not match the typical standard. I have had my heart rate up a lot higher than what they say it is supposed to be. I made the mistake of training for a race by heart rate alone and it was the slowest race I think I have ever had.


Spot on Sage... max hr is very genetic. Im 39yrs age & my max ive managed to hit on 2 occasions inc my 181- 182bpm L.T.H.R with a forced 200m sprint- was 199bpm. Another occasion with 6x800s managed a 199bpm in the final 300m allout on the last 800m effort. I also use the Garmin Chest Strap & sometimes the Garmin 245 laser h.r seems to be reading accurately on its own. Great video.
After testing & calculating 181 L.T into an 80/20 protocol zones 1 & 2 leaves me with 130-146 & 146-163bpm. Its so individual hey. Cheers


If you want to train with HR I would strongly advise for a cheststrap AND don't use maximal HR (as Sage said quite impossible to calculate) but use your LTTHR number and use those values/ranges. If you have experience with your pace you could do a 45 min all out effort with steady pace and take min 10-35 average as LT-HR


I know this is from 2019 but I think it is really hepful to listen to Sage on heart rate training. Thanks Sage!


Garmin IQ app is called Auxiliary heart rate. It allows both chest strap and optical hr to record at the same time on one watch. Really cool


At my vo2max test my heart rate maxed at 197, and at my 5k road race my heart rate reached 209


Great video on an important topic. Can't reiterate enough that those formulas are estimates and vary greatly. Like your older athlete, I have a higher than normal max HR. I used the 220 minus age (32) thing when I first started training with HR. I found it incredibly difficult to jog slow enough to stay in my easy zone. Like you said I practically had to walk my easy runs.

Originally I thought it was a sign of how out of shape I was. After a lot of fustration I went to a co-worker who ran track at the local college and he set me up with a test. Turns out I have a max HR of 204, and none of those formulas would ever come close to predicting that for my age.

To think I spend hours every week on my easy runs at 160bpm, which happens to be Sage's LT is kinda cool though. (Yes, I'm aware that it means nothing to performance, just let me have my fun.)


Great content Sage and helping runners across the globe. Thanks for sharing!


Great video. I had a workout partner who hated stat tracking, while I loved it. I like seeing the gradual progression in stats to show my progress. Where my friend liked going off of how it felt. Some people are more motivated and honest with their perceived efforts than others (We see the same thing with people at work, lol).

I periodically tweak my zones based on perceived effort, accounting for honest variables of poor nutrition, fatigue, and sleep as well. It takes a lot of time and attention but it works for me as of now. Unfortunately, since most people probably don't have access to a lab to get professionally tested, so these rough estimations are the best thing going for the non-professional runner who has no clue what they are doing and don't accurately assess their perceived efforts.


The way i used HRM is from long time experience with my own heart rate at certain body effort. For example, when i run at x pace where x can vary according to current day fitness, i know how hard i'm breathing. And when i go home and sync the data, i will remember what HR it is. Most of the time it's 170 bpm and i will struggle. So, my chart looks like this:

>170 Big time struggling
160 - 170 Hard
150 - 160 Comfortably hard
140 - 150 Steady
130 - 140 Easy
120 - 130 Looks like i can run forever.

So the point is, when i'm suppose to run easy, i will ensure that my HR will range between 130 - 150 bpm.
For tempo run, i will ensure that it's below 160 bpm.
For interval run, i will ensure that it's below 170 bpm.

Pace will varies on certain days at x bpm. That's why i may run faster/slower at 160 bpm for example.
I trust my heart more than my feel as i believe HRM will never lie how hard my heart is pumping. But of course i'm using a good Polar strap with Garmin HRM combo. They are accurate all the time.


Perfect explanation re HR. I have commentEd on videos re MAF training that you (Sage) have the correct approach re HR monitoring use even before this vid. But now I have a clean fresh link to refer others to. Thanks 👍


Temperature also makes a massive difference in heart rate values and can affect rate of perceived exertion, too. 6:00/mi pace in the summer vs. the winter at the same level of fitness is the same stress on your skeletomuscular system but an entirely different stress on your cardiovascular system.


this "dead pixel" in the middle maked me worry about my screen ;)


I have been running for over 50 years, 47 of them without a watch or HR monitor, to tell you the truth I am not sure that wearing a GPS watch and HR has helped or hindered my progress. It's been interesting to say the least, but I think you can become a slave to them if you are not careful. I can know which pace I am running at without a watch to tell me, a lot of newer runners can't do that today. I tell them, forget the watch and don't let it coach you. I do use it however to record runs and routes and history of training.


for 3 years i assumed that my HR max was186 (with HR strap) it never got above 186 excluding random 192, 211, 237 for single sec.
lately i started working on my sprints, and my hr during short max speed sprint, AVERAGES around 193...
i always did intervals but only on treatmill that got max pace 3:00.
now that i am doing intervals on track my HR max got significantly higher.
now its 197 instead of 186
That is huge difference considering that my lactate Heart rate is 172


I’m 32 and hit a 205 heart rate the other day running but felt completely fine. 😅 probably close to death ☠️
