Single Photon Interference | Photons of Light

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What happens when single photons of light pass through a double slit and are detected by a photomultiplier tube?

In 1801 Thomas Young seemed to settle a long-running debate about the nature of light with his double slit experiment.

He demonstrated that light passing through two slits creates patterns like water waves, with the implication that it must be a wave phenomenon.

However, experimental results in the early 1900s found that light energy is not smoothly distributed as in a classical wave, rather it comes in discrete packets, called quanta and later photons. These are indivisible particles of light.

So what would happen if individual photons passed through a double slit? Would they make a pattern like waves or like particles?
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Pranks: person being pranked is ignorant of it (of course, otherwise it wouldn't be a prank) and this creates confusion. To settled it, the person makes up his own version of truth, but since that version is what the prankster wants it to be: somehow negative experience, pranked person generally creates negative emotions.

If, on the other hand - pranked did know exactly what was going on, then he would know the truth, wouldn't have to invent it, and would totally avoid being pranked.

So, this it the key: ignorance creates falsehood that the ignorant person is unaware of (since we conclude thinking by logic and reason, and since we know all this imaginary universes like SF movies or what not, everything can be logical with set of rules that must not be broken) and from that point, all other conclusions are based on that falsehood (e.g. Child that believes in Santa would justify everything to prove to himself that santa is real).

This confusion sets his mind out of peace (calm state pranked would have if he knew exactly what was going on) and he starts an inner fight to set his mind free.

So, you see, light, just like truth, has dual properties - someone's truth (logical and reasonable information) is other's falsehood (e.g. religion). When they collide, it's like wave pattern, swing back and forth, but it all happens in single mind (notice how "you" and "I" have no meaning in this place we are right now: your mind/my mind). So, whenever we receive information that confuse us, all kind of emotion are created.

Once someone explains to us what really happened, and removes that confusion, our mind is set back to peace.

Of course, sometimes pranks can backfire, and even though you explain that it's just a prank, person might get vindictive and "return the favor of negative emotions" - you know, you slap someone, they slap you back. Pure action- opposite reaction thing.

That's exactly what creates "wave" pattern, swinging back and forth.

Now, if there was an observer that could see what exactly was going on: "ok, I'm confused, that means there's something I do not know", then pranked wouldn't jump to conclusion, wouldn't create negative emotions and then the prank would backfire because in that case prankster would be confused because:

How the hell did he know he was being


Luckily, you won't get it, just to prove the experiment.

Oh, or the observer changes it.

You see, when that happens, it's like stopping the vibrating string of a guitar - the vibration is purged out of the body, and that's why we laugh (if confusion clarified was benign - if you look straight in the Lions eyes like rabbit in a headlight, and then realized "it's coming at me", vibration would be in totally different tone, like when you're afraid and feel it all over your body).

All minds want the same: be at peace, in known territory. Change the environment, it stops being at peace and wants to get back there asap.

So, next time you have negative emotions about something, just think it through: it totally made sense and it was perfectly logical to the other person, so try seeing the reason why it happened - you'll find solution, learn something new, be happy about it and laugh.

If not....

You end up being bipolar, swinging from depression to mania all your life, leaving the trail of a snake or a drunk man behind you.

Walk the thin line, and you'll never be ignorant about anything again.

And that makes you fearless.

Well, still do not look straight at the lion's eyes if you don't know how to predict their actions.

I said fearless, not stupid!


Very interesting video and i shared to my friends .
Also i suggest you see some interesting videos on SALEH THEORY-com about behaviors of photon.
