HashiCorp Terraform Associate Certification Course (003) - Full Course | Pass Exam

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Complete Terraform Tutorial: From Beginner to Expert A Comprehensive 5-Hour Course 🚀

Explore Infrastructure as Code with our 5-hour Terraform course, suitable for beginners to experts. Learn to set up, write configurations, and deploy on major cloud platforms. Featuring real-world examples, best practices, and hands-on labs, this course equips you to confidently automate and manage your cloud infrastructure using Terraform

🔵 Chapter-1: What is Terraform - 04:21
Link -

🔵 Chapter-2: Terraform Variables - 56:15
terraform variable string, number, bool, list, map

🔵 Chapter-3: Terraform tfvars - 01:14:16
But before you start working with Terraform you must understand different types of variables provided by the terraform .

🔵 Chapter-4: Terraform Locals - 01:36:38
In this session we are going to look on terrafrom locals and how to use it inside your terraform files.

🔵 Chapter-5: Terraform Output values - 01:46:42
In this session we are going to look at Terraform Output values and how to use them inside your terraform files.

🔵 Chapter-6: Terraform for-loops, for-each - 01:59:09
Terraform for, for_each and count loops can be used for iterating over the collections like list, set and map.

🔵 Chapter-7: Terraform State files - 02:13:15
In this lab session on Managing terraform state file we are gonna look on What is Terraform state file? What is Terraform local state file?

🔵 Chapter-8: Terraform Provisioners - 02:31:15
1.File provisioner 2. Local provisioner 3. Remote provisioner -

🔵 Chapter-9: Terraform Module - 02:52:24
In this Lab session, we will create two modules module-1 and module-2. Inside each module, we will install the apache httpd server with each module is having its home page.

🔵 Chapter-10: Terraform Dynamic Blocks - 03:10:17
Terraform dynamic block behaves pretty much the same as for or for-each loop. It not only iterates over the value range but also creates nested dynamic blocks which can be complex.

🔵 Chapter-11: Terraform Null Resource - 03:21:10
To use the null_resource in Terraform, you first need to declare the resource block and specify a unique name for it. Within the resource block, you can specify a provisioner block

🔵 Chapter-12: Terraform Data Source - 03:40:00
Terraform data sources can be used to fetch information back from the Cloud service provider (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure etc..).

🔵 Chapter-13: Terraform Workspace - 03:53:18
Terraform workspace is a very logical concept where you can have multiple states of your infrastructure configuration.

🔵 Chapter-14: Terraform User-data - 04:16:21
In Terraform, the "user_data" block is used to specify data that should be passed to the instance at launch time. This data is typically used to configure the instance or run scripts on startup.

🔵 Chapter-15: Terraform depends-on meta tag - 04:28:10
In Terraform, the depends_on meta-argument is used to create an explicit dependency between resources. It is used to specify that a particular resource depends on another resource

🔵 Chapter-16: Terraform Template - 04:36:35
Terraform template is a really useful utility to render a template from a template string. With the help of terraform template, you can generate external files.

🔵 Chapter-17: Terraform Debugging Validation - 04:56:39
In this session we are gonna look at the Terraform debugging and how you can use the debugging for troubleshooting.

🔵 Chapter-18:
In Terraform, you need to import an existing resource into your Terraform configuration so that you can manage it with Terraform.

🔵 Chapter-19: Terraform Upgrade - 05:09:18
In this session we will take look at tfenv to upgrade the terraform
Рекомендации по теме

What a fantastic and amazing lecture series ! So many out there making big bucks and here is the Humanitarian an IT Champ - Rahul enlightening us with all the knowledge ! Kudos my man !


Hi Rahul, I followed your content and it's very much useful and nice documentation too. Thanks much for the wonderful tutorial..🤝


Thank You Rahul .Its really very easy to understand TF and You have explained very well .I seen lots of videos, I got all things from this course and you covered all practical things in same session. So Thank you very much Rahul Sir.I wud recommend this course to start TF journey.


This is awesome, great work. Many more people need to see this.


Really you are true inspiration bro. I learning so many things from you especially aws . From now onwards terraform too . Thank u brother ❤


Hey Rahul, i have been looking for terraform tutorial from a long time and one fine day i landed up to your Youtube Channel. what a amazing tutorial. Thanks a lot mate. Looking forward for more vedios on Terraform from you. One more thing, just a request that if you could start some tutorials on python in Devops perspective.


Amazing course on Terraform for DevOps Professional 👏👏👏


Kindly include one real life project e2e .. This will give confidence in interviews. Thank you !!


what a pretty good series. I am a programer and also an old CCIE. I didnt get into IAC too much. but I am thinking of application driven IAC. let's say, I have an e-commerce app that has 20 interfaces and 100 parameters I am monitoring tightly. if some parameters go worse, then trigger IAC state change like add more VMs, add more cpu/mems, change interface async tasks policies, or change LB and FW configurations. to ur mind, what is the best standard way to achieve this ? so that i cloud cut down on monitoring staff and ops staff. I found datadog + terraform, but i dont grasp what datadog is. datadog seems to need docker container? datadog needs agent, but this dog didnt know my 100 parameters. thanks a lot, Rahul.


Thanks Rahul, awesome tutorial. I got access to 2 udemy courses for terraform but none of them are this lucid & clear. This shud be called - Terraform Made Easy by Rahul Wagh :D


Thanks Rahul for your support and dedicating your valuable time to explain a complex series into simple explanation...


Eagerly waiting for this complete course Rahul.. Hope this will help us to get Cloud Architect / Migration positions.. 🙂


TQSM sir for your amazing work and tutors


MANY Thanks for the extensive Tutorial. I saw the Terraform in the video is version 0.14.8 (March 10, 2021). I wonder how many features and syntax have been deprecated in version 1.4+


Hi, gd work bro. In AWS we giving IAM creds to ec2 for resource creation through tf template... Then in which case we need json key😊


Hi Rahul,

It’s a amazing series and I enjoyed but can you suggest 2 points which are unanswered for me:

If we provision an ec2 in AWS then what about for previous instances in our account whether it’s provisioned via terraform or manually

2: if suppose we have multiple vpc like vpc1 vpc2 vpc3 and we want to provision 1 or more instances in vpc2 only then how we can achieve this.


Rahul, thank you for this course. I wanted to confirm whether this video contains the same content as the previous Terraform playlist, or if you have made any updates.

I have gone through the previous playlist and found it quite helpful!


Awesome work, thank you so much for such an effort. It helped me a lot to understand terraform.


i am getting this error
C:\terraform>terraform apply

No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.

Terraform has compared your real infrastructure against your configuration and found no differences, so no
changes are needed.

Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


Hi Rahul
Really its nice explanation and document also its really good!!
