Real God: Eternal, Creator, Sovereign

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Do you know the one true God, or are you worshipping a demonic counterfeit
⁉️ Tune in to our BRAND NEW series, Real God!

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I am 58 years old and I have been in church since birth. Got saved at 19 years of age. I just listened to this in an oil refinery while at work. At around 58:30 I could tell my eyes were starting to water and from that point on I wept uncontrollably in front of other men. All I can say is, is it got through to me exactly who God is and I feel renewed. I don’t know how many you was hoping got that message but I certainly did. Sending it to my wife and kids now.


I have just discovered you Pastor mark! In fact I came across the stance you took at the men's conference with the male stripper that came on the stage and I was like holy cow, this guy stands for the truth! You were willing to put your entire reputation on the line for the Lord Jesus Christ. I have just moved back to Flagstaff from Texas which is the armpit of America at this current time. My son and his wife have moved to Phoenix and I've been praying for 6 weeks that he would go to your Wednesday night men's group! It hasn't happened yet, but he does love the lord, he is just got to try it once. Keep it up, the times call for us not to be the Church of laodicea or lukewarm. For us to stand in arms with a sword of truth for the spiritual battle ahead of us


Mark is the only man I've seen spreading the truth of the Bible. He is so deeply convicting and yet still so warm. Great pastor


As a Jew, I still truly value and appreciate the heart and timeless lessons of this Church and Pastor. May the Lord Bless and Keep you. - VFW Chaplain.


Such a blessing to hear Pastor Mark teach the word of God.


Pastor Mark!! Your HOLY SPIRIT PASSIONATE FIRE sets me on FIRE!!
Thank y'all from southeast Texas!! for your ABSOLUTE BOLDNESS!!


Your best message since the Isreal Palestine message when I started listening!

I Love that you proclaim the truth boldly. Never change!


Pastor Mark I don’t know if you actually see these comments but FROM MY SPIRIT THANK YOU!!!! My husband and I had such heavy spirits from JUST BEING OUT IN THE WORLD and seeing SO MUCH demonic activity all day and we put this on and were IMMEDIATELY lifted UP 🕊️ WE PRAY FOR YOUR CONTINUED COURAGE AND BOLDNESS FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT. God bless you and thank you again


So beyond excellent.. a message so needed.. exultation of a Holy God..! Hallelujah! 🙌


Thank you Pastor Mark. I really appreciate your sermons and the reminder that God is always in control.


I have been serving, following and worshipping the King of Kings for 45 years. I LOVE Him and His Word. This was the best teaching I have ever heard. I was weeping before Him as He revealed yet even more of who He is to me through your teaching. Powerfully anointed by Holy Spirit. Pastor Mark you are a gift to humanity from the Father. The transformation of God truly shines through you brightly. No words can explain the gratitude I have for your heart for our Lord. You truly made Him smile and maybe even weep to hear the message describing HIM to all who have ears to hear. Thank you so much. Blessings my fellow brother in Christ Jesus.


Hallelujah! Praise the Lord God Almighty!! Thank you Pastor Mark!! Blessings upon you 🙏🏻❤️✝️


Revelation 4, 5 are my favorite chapters in Papa God’s Word! Many times aI pray it back to the Trinity, worshipping in Their Awesomeness!!!


Wow!! Mark you are filled in this message…


I had someone warn me about mark because of his past church.. if those claims were true
.. i see a changed man
If they were false, i see a determined and persecuted man
❤ the world needs this dude


god doesnt cause evil he allows evil to work towards his sovereign purposes ... god takes those things that the enemy means for our harm and turns them around for good, we know all things work together for good to them that love god and are the called according to his purposes... satan is loosed after the thousand years to tempt the inhabitants on earth ... god had a plan before the foundation of the earth, and he loves it when a plan comes together ...i so love our sovereign god because he first loved me .


This is awesome! ❤❤❤❤I love sharing this. It is life saving!🎉


Remember, our form Lord, for we’re only dust… How can anyone perceive your glory… We can’t. Faith—is the only road man can walk… This is truly the hardest thing anyone will encapsulate if one truly desires truth that goes beyond our understanding.


ok pastor … please don’t forget to “LOVE” please 🙏


Tried to watch your video Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde, there was no sound.
