Enigma Enigma 3 full album

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Around 30 years ago, Enigma pretty much saved my life by introducing me to meditation with their complimentary music, to allow me to reflect in a calm manner and process the complex world around me. Out the other side, listening to it again, relaxing in the Sun with my cat, once again its like a relaxing high.


I'm relaxing 😌under my verandah time ⏲️1930hrs approaching 60yrs, I remember 22 yrs ago was going through a very painful 💔 experience, my wife had left me taking my 2 children with her. I was at the lowest and loneliness darkest period in my life. My dear friend Warren lent me this album, it carried me through that dark tunnel and God also held my hand ✋and I came through. Thank you Lord jesus Christ, thank you Warren thank you enigma, music is really a vehicle that carries our soul. God bless 🙌you all who are listening to this 🙏amen


0:00 Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi!
1:57 Morphing Thru Time
7:46 Third Of It's Kind
8:05 Beyond The Invisible
13:05 Why!…
18:05 Shadows In Silence
22:26 The Child In Us
27:32 T.N.T. For The Brain
31:58 Almost Full Moon
35:24 The Roundabout
39:03 Prism Of Life
43:59 Odyssey Of The Mind


I’m 23. I’m lucky enough to still have my father in my life. He introduced me to Enigma. I’ve moved out and now listen to Enigma to relax and reflect on myself and what’s going on in my life. I have since I was a little boy. Music is timeless, and will be loved, if it falls on the right ears.


أرى تعليقات بجميع اللغات وانا متاكد ان الكثير لا يفهم enigma السر الوحيد الذي يجمعنا هو الذوق الموسيقى فكل واحد علق هنا تجده يحب الإنسانية فانا من الجبال المعزولة في الجزائر والآخر في جنوب أمريكا قدام الأمازون وآخر في الدائرة القطبية وكل ما جمعنا هنا هوالضمير وعشق الروح وأكاد أجزم أن اول من يكره هاذا هم الديكتاتوريين وجنرلات الموت والسياسيون وتجار السلاح والموت والممنوعات يكرهون الحديث مع الروح ولغتها هي الموسيقى ومن بينهم enigma


This Album changed everything for me as a child.
Now im 31years old, my father is gone ... rip Papa


Вся молодость перед глазами пролетает когда слушаю эту музыку!!! Все кассеты остались где-то, с энигмой и все сборники и ремиксы, эта музыка не может наскучить или надоесть, она в сердце и до самого последнего вздоха.


I can honestly say that this album changed my life forever. For whatever reason, I don’t know what came first, this album or a spiritual awakening. Both? In any case, I have been on an amazing journey since 1997….experiences I cannot explain.


Муж! Сандры очень крут! Такии шедевры написать! Музыка на века! И очень он красиво Сандру подтянул к своим шедеврам!! Человек с большой буквы!!!браво!


Когда учился в универе, перед сном слушал в наушниках на бумбоксе этот альбом.Enigma моя любимая группа.Музыка которая уносит в космос.Спустя столько лет- Всегда 😊


Música que cresci ouvindo, que guardo boas lembranças. Agradeço meus pais, em especial minha mãe que sempre escutava esse mesmo álbum. Eu era muito pequeno e lembro como se fosse hoje, era como se eu sentisse presenças de anjos, associava o som do enigma em algo divino, de uma força maior, Deus!!
Mas hoje é diferente, eu associo esse som com boas energias também, mas depois de adulto o que sinto nessas músicas é a reflexão em minha vida, como se eu enxergasse meu interior e quisesse evoluir ainda mais!


Для меня это самый лучший альбом Энигмы.


Amo esse Cd!
Enigma é para ouvir sempre!
Melhor época da música.
Incluindo Sandra Cretu!


This album is so epic, when it came out in Nov 96 I had it on full repeat for a couple years before I could even pause it. So many memories tied in with this music. Even the cover artwork and inner-sleeve art was beyond exceptional. I had the CD that had the cool clear-firm-plastic inner-sleeve art that created beautiful art layers as you flipped through it, hard to explain if you didn't see it. But the point is, I loved everything about this CD so much I even still remember and love how the CD art _smelled_


Выдающийся альбом.
Ассоциации с бесконечностью, как будто накатывают огромные волны океана. Слушать можно тоже бесконечно..


I Think enigma put their albums out into the world to trigger the awakenings of people that where destined to have them✨🙏🏻✨
Thank you Enigma for your life changing music✨🙏🏻✨
Music to heal the world
Frequency the future in medicine 🎶✨🙏🏻✨🎶


My friend gave me this cassette as he did not like it.
This was destined for me. That was 90's this is 2022.


Here I am, 20 years after those days...
Almost feel like I'm in that room upstairs again... Casette player... Looks like I will not forget, never...


Eu só queria encontrar um homem que compartilhasse noites de amor comigo ouvindo ENIGMA ! ❤


Enigma were excellent..the first 3 album were ..masterpieces ❤
