Happy Mail Share

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Thank you so much to all of you for sending me happy mail and thinking of me! I appreciate each and every one of you!

In health and happiness,

If you would like to write to me: (I loooove Post Cards too)
PO Box 29096
Cambridge, Ontario
N3C 0E6
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I love your DIYs....please keep doing them!


You are so very sweet and kind. Love all of your presentations.


I enjoy your diys ALWAYS! You do it in a way that's easy to see AND understand. Not everyone does that. And your videos of DT are always the best! You're my favorite!🤩


Your voice and nails are the perfect all your content


Hi! I'm so glad you liked the Pooh Bear paper. I bought eveything at Daiso. The story of you finding my parcel months later was a pleasant surprise for you just in time for Christmas!


I discovered your channel last March, and your videos have been a wonderful way to relax and escape from everything going on in the world. I enjoy them all 😃


I like any video you put but esp the diys/ crafting, hauls, clean w/ me, and nature walks. And I like the soft music in your videos 🤗


I love your DIY'S 💜💜💜 actually the diy dt no sew gold pineapple pillow was the first video of yours I stumbled upon and I've been watching your channel since then 💕 my favorite is your dt walk through/ shop with me videos, they are relaxing. I watch them before I go to sleep because of your soothing voice and also to get ideas and see whats new for my next visit at DT. Keep making videos for us. We appreciate all that you do 💕😁


Positive feedback is always good to see. Years ago I went to a grocery store at lunch time. I was so impressed with the produce section. It was so neat and beautifully displayed. The presentation was so inviting. I can't remember ever seeing such beautiful fruits and vegetables, tempting you to buy them. Because I was so impressed, when I got back to work I called the store and asked for the manager. I could feel his concern and hesitation as he answered the phone. I expressed my delight at his produce and I could hear his smile. He was used to mostly complaints and was so happy to receive positive reinforcement.
People are so quick to judge and criticize these days. The more this happens, the more I want to express my appreciation.
I have just recently found your channel and have subscribed. I love watching your hauls but haven't seen many of your DIY's yet. That being said, I guess I'm not used to how long your videos are. And I love the stories and all but sometimes you seem a little distracted. And I'm not saying this to hurt your feelings but sometimes I find a video to watch when I don't have as much time to sit back and enjoy it. Just saying... I now know this is how you are and I save your videos for a time when I can fully enjoy them. I don't like to rush through them.
But I really like to leave comments when I visit different people. I can't imagine how you manage to create a channel and maintain it. And it's funny how you mentioned filming or not filming something. I was taking pictures of dishes I had cooked for a cookbook I've been working on for years. One day I made lunch and it was so beautiful I started to take a picture of it. Then I remembered that recipe wasn't in the cookbook. So I understand when you are torn when working on a project whether to film or not.
I have trouble with social media too when you would like an immediate response. Waiting for a reaction is difficult. And I'm really bad with quick responses. It helps to get notifications when new videos are available but sometimes I wander around and watch older videos and have been known to post comments on year old videos. Please take that as a compliment if I comment on an older video especially since I've only recently found you.
Thanks for sharing this with us. 💗 Sometimes we forget people can't read our minds. 😜 I always click the like button whether I comment or not. Saying nothing doesn't always mean the video wasn't enjoyed.
Thanks for all you bring us. I love the footprints in the snow.


All your videos are great. The music is pretty not depressing. Your voice is very soothing.


Its March 4th. I am cooking Christmas dinner this weekend.


Next time I'll be sure to include my address....😉✌❤


Are u nit on lock down still we are ;;(
