CVC Words Phonics Blending Song
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A CVC Words Phonics song for children learning to read and write. Practice blending phonics sounds with this song.
I’m walking down the street, what shall I see? It’s the s-u-n sun
A beautiful day!
I’m walking down the street, what shall I see? It’s a r-a-t rat!
Hey little one!
I’m walking down the street, what shall I see? It’s a c-a-t cat!
Don’t chase that rat!
I’m walking down the street, what shall I see? It’s a d-o-g dog!
Don’t chase that cat!
S-u-n sun, r-a-t rat, c-a-t cat, d-o-g dog
I’m walking down the street, what shall I see? It’s a m-a-n man
Don’t talk to strangers!
I’m walking down the street, what shall I see? It’s a b-i-n bin
Make sure you use it!
I’m walking down the street, what shall I see? It’s a j-e-t jet
Wow look at that!
I’m walking down the street, what shall I see? It’s h-a-t hat!
It’s really windy!
M-a-n man, b-i-n bin, j-e-t jet, hat
I’m walking down the street, what shall I see? It’s a h-e-n hen
How did you get here?
I’m walking down the street, what shall I see? It’s a p-i-g pig
That’s unusual!
I’m walking down the street, what shall I see? It’s a sh-ee-p
What are the chances?
I’m walking down the street, what shall I see? It’s my d-a-d dad
Time to go home!
h-e-n hen, p-i-g pig, sh-ee-p sheep, d-a-d dad