Does the Catholic Church Overemphasize Rituals?

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Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J., is the Founder and Editor of Ignatius Press. He has taught both philosophy and theology courses at several schools. Fr. Fessio wrote his dissertation on the ecclesiology of Hans Urs von Balthasar under the direction of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI. He holds the degrees of B.A. and M.A. from Gonzaga University; M.A. from the Fourvière Jesuit Faculty of Theology in Lyons, France; and Th.D. from the University of Regensburg in Germany.
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Catholics needs to be catechized more than once...this caller is a perfect reason why. When you attend a mass and you learn nothing about the gospel, when passages in the Bible are read and the priest talked about the gospel in his homily/sermon...then shouldn't you be asking yourself why you missed the gospel readings, was she really present more than just physically in the mass, but her mind isn't? Is it really the Catholic church or ourselves who is wrong in this picture?


Just like Pilate, that caller was given the hard truth, and she do not want any of it.. Shake the dust off the sandals and move on...


Sounds like her mind was already made up and chose just to ignore what info was presented to her it's all about choice


Well, it seems she doesn't know to much about Luther and HIS man made church, either. If she knew Luther's truth, she would run back to the church Jesus founded!
