Harley Davidson Roadster 1200

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I love the forward controls on that roadster 👍🏻 Nice job!


The Harley-Davidson Sportster is a tried and true design that still bangs with bikes that are bigger.


This makes me want my Roadster back so bad!!!


That is Darth Vader's Roadster!!! Hands down, cleanest one I've seen, great build!


Liking your bike mod's mate going to get a roadster myself do something similar ✊think forward controls is the first job😂


i just bought this bike.I love the front controls on yours, im debating on putting them on my mind because i feel more comfortable with front controls


Wow the most beautiful roadster i have ever seen. Unical


That looks and sounds nice...love the forwards


Hi Julius. as he did to extend the brake line. I have a roadster and it doesn't reach the factory one and I don't get a longer one


Hi bro, this is by far the best looking roadster in my opinion, can u share the modification you've done to make it look like this. Planning to buy a roadster and make it look like yours. Appreciate it bro


*Many reading this will scoff and be their usual childish selves, but the reason I am so adamant and passionate about the topic of this comment is because poor influences and a desire to emulate "Awesome riders who look badass" is what caused my baby brother to lose his life. He took a corner too fast (riding outside his and the bike's own capabilities),   hit a fence, was thrown in the air, his right leg struck a metal speed limit sign on it's edge which severed his leg just above his knee, and then hit some huge farm equipment which likely killed him instantly. There is no doubt that proper safety gear would have kept him alive (if even just barely) and I would still be able to hang out with him and enjoy the sound of his laughter while we both laugh hard enough to make us start crying while we watch our favorite funny video. Yeah, he still would have probably lost his leg, but he would have lived.*   I always promote and encourage every person I meet when it comes to riding and focus a lot on encouragement with new and often reluctant riders and definitely promote respect to each other as riders regardless of the type of bike... BUT, that rider... I'm not going to accuse him of being a complete idiot, but I AM going to say that he certainly made a completely idiotic choice; I mean, come ON dude, JESUS! How damn retarded can you possibly get? You made an extremely stupid choice to wear clothes like that. Yes, even though I don't agree with that type of helmet, at least you put SOME effort in protecting 3/4 of your head. I really hope this was a situation where the choice of clothing couldn't have been avoided, but OMG, if you did that with the intention of looking "cool" or because you want to be "badass", then you should sell every 2-wheeled vehicle you have and stay away from any motorcycle until you have had a chance to become more mature. And, to be clear, yeah, it's completely your own damn choice and can even ride from coast to coast completely naked if you want, BUT, it's not all about you. Certainly not when you are being seen on a platform as accessible, as popular, and as enormously far reaching as You Tube where younger and far less experienced riders are watching you and all the other irresponsible riders who make these idiotic poor choices. Young kids, especially teens and those in their early 20's, are extremely impressionable and your irresponsibility is extremely likely to influence and reinforce their own dangerous and poor decisions. We all need to remember that no matter how unimportant you may or may not feel, there is going to be someone at one time or another that is going to see you and form an impression about many different aspects right then and there. Many of them will be younger than the average beginner and if they don't have someone giving them proper instruction, it's going to end up in a "monkey see, monkey do" situation and that ignorance can end a life.


Looks great I have the 19 with exact as your's, chin spoiler red stripe on rims little fairing


Can you put a list of your modifications? Your Roadster looks sick!!! Congrats!


Do you remember the fairing model? It's very nice...


Julius, good afternoon! What is the model of this handlebar? The set was very cool. Your bike was really ireful! Congratulations


Hi, nixe job !!! what size are the rear suspensions and did you lower the front down?


Love the bike have a 17 going to do the same thing same bars did you have to change the clutch cable or break line


Julius como estas? se que ahora cambiaste tu Roadster??, cada vez que veo tus videos le encuentro un detalle nuevo a la HD Roadster y me pregunto donde compraste las señales de viraje intermitente que van instalados en la punta del manubrio? tengo una HD roadster y me encantaría instalar ese accesorio en ella, si me entregas el dato donde poder comprarlos por favor, de ante mano muchas gracias por su respuesta un abraso!!


very nice, i think i ll put forwards controls on my roadster, is it confortable with the standard handlebar?


Nice Roadster. Are those HD forward controls ?
