IUI - Fertility expert secrets for maximum pregnancy rates

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IUI (intrauterine insemination) is a common fertility treatment. Help maximizes your chances. Learn everything you need to know about IUI from a PHYSICIAN who does this every day! Dr Randy Morris MD-The BOARD CERTIFIED fertility expert with weekly TTC tips on InfertilityTV

0:00 Introduction
0:23 How does IUI improve the chance for pregnancy?
1:05 How do IUI work?
1:33 Three minimum requirements for IUI success
1:51 What fertility tests do you need before IUI?
2:30 When is IUI most effective? (How to determine timing for IUI)
3:20 What is a sperm wash for IUI?
4:45 How do sperm counts affect IUI success?
5:10 Are two IUIs more successful than one?
5:57 Does bed rest after IUI increase the chance for pregnancy?
6:48 Does a high percentage of abnormal appearing sperm lower IUI success? (morphology)
7:30 Does fertility medication increase IUI success rate?

Infertility TV is your weekly source for the best medical information if you have infertility, recurrent miscarriage or are just trying to conceive. (TTC). InfertilityTV covers infertility testing, fertility treatments such as Clomid, Follistim and Crinone and fertility treatments like IUI and IVF (in vitro fertilization)

One of the most popular playlists on InfertilityTV are the TTC tips which are great even you are not struggling with infertility

Dr Morris is a practicing IVF and infertility expert who sees patients at IVF! located in the Naperville Fertility Center.

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I suffered infertility for 11 years. I took plenty of medicines, shots, and tried naturally then I had 4 failed iui, after doctor suggested ivf but too expensive so we gave up on babies and decided to travel instead. 2 years later (this january 2021) i found out im pregnant and now (may 2021) im 7.5 months and due in july God first 🙏 im having a baby girl. There is hope ladies and gentlemen.


I am 35 and completed my first iui for first pregnancy before 3 days...kindly all pray for me getting successful pregnancy


I am so excited to be on this journey. 7 years of infertility here and finally saw fertility specialist this week! Praying we get pregnant soon 🙏🏼


I m 38 and complete my first iui before 3 day hope 4 the best pray 4 me


I got iui twice one with med one without got pregnant both times. Lost one at 5 months but the second time i got cerclage and now my son 8months


We did iui back in 2018 with no success now we did another hsg and both tubes are open., iui was today praying hard 🙏🏽


Going on 9 months TTC - 2 MC later (due to blood clotting disorder that wasn't caught until recently), three failed medicated cycles and moving on to IUI. I am so excited for this journey and SO ready.


Cool. An up to date video. IUI is amazing. Thanks to a team near me and my wife, we have found that we are a rarity for having triplets. Found out today the news and still trying to process the news. Very scarey indeed. We couldn't thank the people involved enough. Even the lady that has been with us from the start couldn't believe it was triplets. We are blessed for receiving this result. Medical science is amazing and they are forever in our hearts. ❤


I am 39 and I have diminished ovarian reserve, I’m having my first IUI tomorrow!! I hope it works.


Am going to have IUI treatment in January next year.. am praying hard


Thank you! My clinic hasn't really explained anything to me and this is so helpful. Currently on the second IUI. Fingers crossed!


My 3rd IUI worked! I have unexplained infertility.


I have gotten pregnant naturally twice but miscarried our son and daughter in second trimester because of incompetent cervix. We have been trying naturally for 5 months since my last loss. Doctor doesn’t think we need IUI but thinks it will help ease my anxiety. I’m doing IUI this week. I had extensive testing and nothing came back abnormal. What are my chances? Wish me luck. I just want to be a mom. I cry weekly because the loss of my two precious babies.


Thanks To the good Doctor. I will be pregnant soon 🙏🏽❤️


Sir really no words no words to express my love n thanks to you ❤️❤️❤️ Allah almighty always bless you may Allah bless you with sound healthy life ameen


This video is super helpful. I'm so happy I found this channel. Thank you!


Today I have my first iui plz pray for me.


So much info, thank you. Just started my jurney to parenthood, I’m having my tubes flushed in a mounth.


Me and wife is starting this journey now. She’s on a progesterone injection oil for 6 weeks now and then will start the iui. I really hope it works.


This was very informative. Thank you so much!
