CBum On Letting Your Baby Cry It Out During Sleep Training

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I raised my son exactly like this, he's now my father.


Our plan was to do this as well but then I realized learning to fall asleep is a skill they need to learn so we sat by our daughter comforting her until she fell asleep. We’ve done this for a couple months now and she falls asleep within 10 minutes and sleeps through the night. This way we get the sleep we need to stay sane and she feels we are there for her.


Imagine a family member comes to your door crying and you don’t answer it and let them cry it out. That is the best example I heard that resonated with me. A baby was in a moms belly for 9 months and now it’s left to be in a crib by him or herself, all it wants is to be held and feel comfort in a different world they’ve been in.


A 6 month old does not need to be independent. Chris is right


As a 6 month old, I totally agree with this.


Dr. Gabor Maté spoke on this. You don't ever leave your baby alone to establish independence. You must show your love, presence, and acceptance. Anything less will result in trauma in one form or another.


As a Psychology student, I can assure you it's indeed the total opposite. The more you comfort your baby when it crys the more self reliant it gets as an adult.


I studied both psychology and early childhood development. There was actually a study on this. The babies stopped crying but their stress levels remained high while the mother’s stress lowered because they didn’t hear the babies crying anymore. Babies don’t self soothe, they just realize on whatever level their brains are able to operate at that no one will come to soothe them.


Babies don’t need “space” they need closeness more than ever


Bro he is 1000% correct on this. Many cultures think it’s crazy that we do that kinda thing since children often sleep in their parents’ bedroom until they’re like 5 (in some poorer places they might share the same bedroom until they move out). Somehow hyper-individualism made us think that we needed to apply that to our babies too but like all research says the opposite


I actually really like this opinion. My wife and I only a month ago started putting out near 2 year old daughter in the crib. She’s slept in bed with us her whole life besides some bassinet sleeping when she was 1-2 months old.

When she awakes in the night and stands up crying saying she wants us we don’t ignore her, her brain is at the foot of our bed and we pick her up and bring her back into bed u til she falls asleep and the put her back in her crib.

We always want our baby girl to know we are there for her and any emotion she feels is ok.


This is exactly why if I have a baby I’m not changing his diaper. He needs to learn that his actions have consequences. Sometimes in life, people aren’t going to be able to help you. I also want him to grow up and be a man. Men don’t poop in their diapers, they take them off first then go to the bathroom.


I am a 6 month old baby and I can truly say that this approach has helped me immensely in my cognitive development


So great he has such an open mind to learn and be better!


Chris being a dad guy is all i needed to see today


Dr Gabor Mate talks about this. He talks about how most mammals would never leave their baby crying, because it produces a stress response in the child. Self-soothing can often turn into a child not voicing their needs because they learned as an infant that when they call for help, it is not on the way.


I've raised 4 kids, didn’t use the cry it out method. They'ree all independent and successful (so far). By teaching them as babies that you will attend to their needs, you establish trust so they feel more free to explore because they know you've got their back and won't abandon them.


His approach sounds like one that would lead to a healthy attachment relationship between his baby and them... I'm really glad to hear it.


Our baby woke up every hour and a half for the first 6 months of her life. My wife and I were going crazy, and the baby needed to learn how to sleep as well for her own well being. We tried sleep training and it was very effective, and we haven’t noticed any negative effects. Shes 17 months now and still sleeps like an angel, and the entire family is happier. I think people over analyze everything. Baby needed sleep, me and my wife needed sleep, we took necessary steps to make it happen.


CBum always seems like the nicest, coolest dude. Way to stay humble when you’re at the top of your game sir.
