Arturia introduces Matrix 12 V

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The massively powerful Oberheim® Matrix 12 has been resurrected at last. Using our TAE™ modeling technology. we are able to recapture and bring you this beast of a synthesizer.

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Music: David Grumel & Jérémy Rassat / Studio La Song Factory
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I've been watching Arturia's synths with interest. To those (John) saying they're not close it's worth reading the Sound on Sound reviews:

MiniMoog V: "In March, I made the point that although MMV looked like a Minimoog on screen, it didn't really sound like one. Today, it sounds and responds like the hardware original. In fact, it's now a remarkable imitation that I would happily use and be confident that you would never realise that it was not the 'real thing'."

Oberheim SEM: "I created some simple, low-pass filtered, monophonic lead sounds on the modern SEM. Then I recreated them on the SEM V. On every occasion, it took just moments to obtain something very close. I was playing both synths from an Arturia AEL keyboard (using the USB port to control the soft synth and the five-pin DIN output to control the SEM) and as I jumped from one instrument to the other by punching the mute buttons on my desk, I often lost track of which sound was emanating from which synth."

Jupiter 8V: "The statements posted on a well-known synth web site that, "quite honestly this thing sounds awful... don't believe the claims it sounds the same or similar to a real JP8 because it seriously does not come even a little bit close" are palpable nonsense. Given that I'm sitting here with a Jupiter 8 under my left hand and my Mac running 8V in front of me, I'm very confident of my ground here: when used to create simple Jupiter 8 patches, 8V can sound indistinguishable from the original synth."

In each instance there are differences, and it's noted that (for example on the SEM) the more complex the patch became the harder it was to match the behaviour of the original. 

Gordon Reid finishes the Jupiter review saying "To finish, I have to say that I continue to be impressed by Arturia's willingness to listen to constructive criticism and undertake extra work to make their products first-class. I raised half a dozen or more points with them while completing this review and on every occasion they checked my findings, and then undertook to fix things. Consequently, I think that Jupiter 8V will follow the same path as the original Minimoog V. Version one is good, but version 1.5 should be excellent."

I have nothing to do with Arturia myself (I've bought one or two synths and was grateful when they released the Minimoog plugin for free) but I'd like people to be more specific about why they think these synths aren't good virtual realisations of the original. 


Thanks for this synth! Now create MS-20)))


I was hoping that you guys would make something like this.

So... how about an analog polysynth which will make the analog purists quit whining, or an Origin II?


Where can I get this awesome track!?!?


One day i buy all Arturia plugs, but i wait for the day Arturia stops with this dongle security things !


What a horrible demo, lame ass synth that doesn't come close to what a Matrix 12 can do.


Nice one, now THAT is a synth worth modeling! .... I wonder if Alphaville used the Matrix 12 on "Sounds Like a Melody".... Funny how the last bit of the melody here reminds me of that track! 
