Saturn Enters Aquarius

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It's a big day in astrology land today! As many of you probably know, Saturn has just entered Aquarius. I've just recorded the first of a two-part series on the topic, which I hope you will enjoy.

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#NightlightAstrology #AdamElenbaas #Acyuta
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“It’s no is a secret yes” have I mentioned how brilliant you are? I have so much love for the way you articulate the language of the Gods.


"Man was born to love
Though often he has sought
Like Icarus, to fly too high.
And far too lonely than he ought
To kiss the sum of east and west
And hold the world at his behest
To hold the terrible power
To whom only gods are blessed
But me, I am just a man"


Saturn always leaves a gift at the door when he leaves.


Wow your meditation on this one went really deep. I listened to this twice (I usually listen as I go about chores) back to back.

You're right about Aquaiuns loving humanity but hating people. My Dad is an Aquarius and that is spot on.


Saying this line from David Whyte's poem "Sweet Darkness" to myself everyday: "Give up all the other worlds except the one to which you belong..."


Absolutely amazing content Adam! I see a lot of other viewers are also having their saturn return. I have saturn exactly conjunct my descendant at 4' Aquarius. Everything you said resonated. I imagine if i watched this video when I was 15-16 I would be so mind blown that I would shift into a whole new state of being lol, maybe more confident in what I was going through at the time. I was a very socially isolated teenager (sat alone in lunch, didn't really talk much (silence), but I see that if I wasn't, I would have never been able to become the artist and guitar player I am today. There was an EXTREME dissatisfaction or should I said dissociation with the external world. Obviously being socially isolated is torture for a teenager, I really wanted to connect, but there was also the blessing that gave me. Thank you as always, best of luck to everyone on here through these times! I know we all need it.


1st Saturn return. I'm super used to being alone so the whole self isolation thing (regardless if I'm sick or not) is easy. Sat conjunct MC but opposing Chiron.


I’m so lucky to have found you in November. You bring me peace every day.


“...there’s also a comfort and a real sense of peace in being able to narrow the field of possibilities a little bit more.” Absolutely.


Ok, you asked for comments from anyone having 2nd Saturn return as it comes to dwell in Aquarius. Your focus of topics associated with this Saturn all hit exactly on target with my experience of Saturn natally & in its return. Comparison with 1st return is the best way to explain, I feel. I thought most of what you focused upon here is compatible with my experience. So, I wrote a long piece, but it helps me to get a longer view too.
As 1st return approached in Capricorn, it is in its placement in the 6th house. Which I now see as a gift of preparation for return periods being a growth or culmination opportunity. Ist time around I lost the most important male in my life, my Father as Saturn was in last degree of Capricorn. This was preceded by a period in which I suffered from some tough relationship challenges with my husband. Where I quit my job & stopped working all together due to hating it. I then spent the majority of my time in solitude & learned astrology, including teaching myself to cast charts, as we had to do then.As well as other spiritual self study.
A bit before my Father's death, a closeness, a friendly relationship had formed between my Father & my husband.They had a strained relationship due to the large age difference & my Father's strong concerns about my husband being 25 years older, and I was 19 when we met. But, I had a long talk with my Dad when I was quitting work & reassured him that I was ok, that I had wha tI wanted, that I would be fine and not mistreated by my husband because I was not earning money, and that I wanted to study some things that were interesting me, and I just was so unhappy at work that I couldn't do it anymore. My Dad listened & he gave my husband a xmas present -personally, previously unheard of, a few months after that. This was a blatant signal to both of us, that he was letting go of any disapproval & happy for us to be together.
He then died in the following month unexpectedly during a heart procedure that was part of a negligent medical cluster of deaths. The whole unit was closed by the state due to high death rate. At this time, I had already sought the solitude & time to spend using my mind for things that were meaningful to me, exploring spiritual philosophy and gaining an identity in that realm . The very things you speak of . Taking back control of my time, and my mind space.
I was forced because of his death, to choose whether to live in a space of anger and outrage -in addition to my deep sorrow. The family & my Mother all sued the hospital for wrongful death. I can be an expert specialist in righteous anger, yet my spiritual path had made me see that I dd not want to pervert my Father's memory with hate and anger. So, I let it go as fate and did not carry the anger as the others did.
Saturn entered Aquarius immediately afterward, which for me is entering 7th house. My husband was my support and love through mourning my Father, whom I loved as a friend and revered as a human and my teacher.And my Father having openly given his love and friendship to husband meant everything for his ability to be the person to help me., I also brought my brother much more into the family fold after Dad was gone.
I quickly found my first spiritual mentor/ teacher. I began work at a New Age bookstore & thoroughly embraced my differences with most around me & also took many classes, worked with practitioners of all sorts, and managed the store. Loved all of that.Really. This also became a time of establishing pillars of my identity, some inner and some outer. Really cementing the relationship with my husband as the main & the spiritual/teacher, thinker as the other main known identity. As you spoke about- the focusing and dropping of that which resonates & serves and paring away that which no longer does either.In addition to the general maturing & etc of any Saturn return.
This also elevated my determination of living in the NOW, leaving the past out of mind, mania . I believe that having the Saturn in Capricorn in 6th place before the return is preparation by limitation. time as a drill instructor of discipline & isolation- learning focus & what you want really, who you wish to be in this world experience. All lessons learned through extreme hardship and suffering, (6th house)but a strong Saturn enables the perception that learning & growing is happening & the process is just as it is meant to be-again, as you say.
Presently, with Saturn back in Capricorn it has been a grueling period of hard work, living under the tyranny of time deprivation, a focus on who I want to be, how to live life. During this period my husband's illnesses became critical, our personal problems were many, my responsibilities were very heavy, I loathed my job, I had money shortages, I lived a life that was nothing like what I wanted. I was so busy that I had a breakdown, but I kept going as I had no choice, and was headed for a big, big breakdown. Just from exhaustion and constant stress, no time to even think, sorrow and fear. resentment had grown toxic in me.
I began studying astrology more deeply again and started to get myself back to learning how to navigate life from a better state of mind. I began trying to heal the problems in my marriage through example of change and a turn to love and kindness . I decided to let go all the resentments that were inside me toward my husband. They were justified, righteous, he was at fault for much, but again as I began to look at what I wanted in life & who I wanted to be as a human-I realized I had to let go & just remember love. He needed me to lead him there, too. And words are not helpful, actions would do the job.
He was put in hospice care at home just about a year ago now. I was working less, but stil had clients that were very needy and was his only caregiver, but now had some hospice help He needed me there full time. I did quit my job, which I hated, worked with him to make sure that he did not die angry & full of fear & he was not an easy rehab to get there, but he did..
I enjoyed the return of my mind back to my control & pleasure of free thought more and more-even though life here was very sad. I knew I was doing the right thing for both of us and just poured love on him. with doses of hard truths and realities. He died knowing that I loved him and that he stayed home & didn't have to lose his control as he lost everything else. That he was worthy of love and that he could go to the beyond knowing this.
Again, here I am with the same set up themes for the Saturn return. I lose the most important man in my life after 38 1/2 years, since I was 19 years old. Through this way that we handled his death, I have been gifted with his active aid and assistance through the grieving process. And just as it was at the 1st return- I lose one, but have another man presented to me as the person who will get me through my difficulties. My husband had told mo
st everyone that he decided that i needed a new partner/man in my life. That he felt it was the way I would be happiest, that I deserved love, etc etc. . I learned this after his death as people talked to me about what he had said to them. So, I sat with him & said, If you want this, the you better make it happen, because I am going nowhere & doing nothing with others for a while. I cannot meet anyone that way, so if you find a way, I will be open. I then started thinking about it & made a list, mainly just joking. & reminded him of the list I had told him about what I felt I needed in a life after for any chance at a good life. who I wanted to be, how I wanted to have control of my own time and mind etc.. Details are too much to recount here, but indded a man has been brought to me, a man who meets my criteria and what my late husband's criteria would be for me. So, I have again been st up for the return bearing sorrow and the loss of a most important man of my life. And I have another man ready and willing to aid and support me after. I have the gift of having focused on what will feed my spirit & soul, having made some major changes & focused on loving life & selff-letting go of anger & resentment. Enduring pain, suffering & sorrow- but allowing that to be an agent of teaching & focusing me. So, I will again have my identity defined by relationship. People will do this because it will be a shocking thing for me to have a new man so soon after the death of my husband. We had a relationship that many people found special. I think people will be surprised. he also is an unusual man & he is wanting a relationship as I do, which is not much like others.
So, I have been focused in the fires of a 6th house, ssaturn transit, strongly placed in Capricorn- & now we are off to the new Aquarian Saturn in 7th. We shall see, but I will say this. I have learned much, so very, very, very much And I don't know what the difficulties ahead Last time I had my mother to care for after my Father's death (n. Saturn conj. moon ) .zI found a community of spiritual study and friendship ..I know that this new man needs nurturing & independence too-so that should be an adventure for Saturn/Moon in Aquarius in the seventh place. Honestly, I do feel much better set up for weathering it all & finding the lesson & progress in it more easily. But I know it is Saturn and it will bring many challenges.
So, if you made it through to the end here, I think you can see some ways in which the ideas talked about in this presentation, have played out in a life. Peace. Betsy


Saturn Technical School
“Where Dreams are Narrowed Down”


Oh my goodness! I just watched this today and completely relate to everything you shared. I'm an Aquarius rising with Saturn in my 1st house at 2°. I live alone (with my kitty), have been alienated from my brothers and children. I do tend to be a bit "judgey" with those I mentioned. I don't do meanness, greed, lies and general dishonesty and ugliness. I realize that I need to love regardless, just distance myself from it all. Covid has definitely continued this cycle in further isolating me physically from friends and my granddaughter. Good will come of it. I have looked toward filling some of my time to Spiritual learning. Thank you so much for sharing this information. I truly appreciate it. Thank you.


Last time I had Saturn in Aquarius, in the early 90s, I peaked intellectually and won a language prize when I finished secondary school, so for me it was a very positive transit. I was also pressured to take the lead role in a school play (one flew over the cuckoo's nest - themes of rebellion and control )and acting itself which is aquarian or piscean. Now, given I'm usually overlooked most of the time, these sudden prizes and promotions' were very unusual for me. I was born with Saturn in Gemini in the 10th so that is a fairly strong placement - housewise anyhow. Strangely it has resulted in a very constrained career as a financial writer with little or no advancement by title (Saturnian delay), though some steady advancement by pay. I found the worst Saturn transit was through the 4th when it opposed my natal Saturn. I felt unjustly treated by family members during the transit. Saturn was not just a hard taskmaster he was actually unreasonably harsh, or so I thought. His transit through the 5th has led to an introverted and soulful life in which I have been writing a novel, but have found it extremely difficult in the dating game. Now I wonder what will happen as the old devil transits my 6th!


Thank you ! I am a triple Capricorn ♑️ 1-1-57 . Saturn has been in my world for awhile. My humble journey this last decade has helped me grow in ways I wouldn’t have chose. I have a whole new relationship with my creator and me.


Love that: 6:40, Saturn's negation helps you refine who you are, like the negative space of a painting. Brilliant


Thank you so much for your emphasis on Hillman. Your understanding, insight and interpretation of his ideas are equally brilliant. You are a gift in these times.


Man breaths life into his imagination, which he calls magic or manifestation. If he were to surrender his will to create for himself, he would instead come to realise to breathe life into his Being, in which he breaks the border of his subconscious and unites with his vision.


Silence pre-supposes an inner life min. 57 ... omg. I took so many notes on this one :) thank you


This is my first Saturn return. Saturn in Aquarius. moon is in Aquarius. sun in Aries. Fasting is a great lesson of Saturn. Restricting the time we eat can bring tremendous health benefits and is one of the biggest factors in longevity and living healthy to old age. Fasting improves the clarity of the mind and is often a prerequisite to many spiritual practices. This is not a outdated tradition but a often overlooked tool for growth. Restriction in balance with expansion is needed for healthy systems including the body.


I am always enlightened and learn profound lessons from your podcasts. Thank you.
