Refrigerator electricity consumption in urdu/hindi | Fridge wattage

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Refrigerator electricity consumption in urdu/hindi Fridge wattage
Here is the video tutorial about how to calculate refrigerator electricity consumption or electricity consumption of refrigerator.

Previously I made an interesting video how many units do your appliances consume and in that video I was also explain about refrigerator watt consumption and I used a Dawlance refrigerator for measuring the refrigerator wattage consumption or refrigerator watt usage.

But In this video I practically explain only about fridge consume electricity and for measurement the fridge current I used a single phase clamp meter so in this video you also learn about refrigerator current consumption.

There are many refrigerator companies in Pakistan like LG refrigerator Samsung refrigerator Haier refrigerator Orient refrigerator and there is a little bit difference in fridge amperage rating with respect to brands.

And this dawlance fridge is basically a medium size medium fridge so rating can be varies size to size and mini fridge wattage is obviously less than a large size refrigerator.

So a fridge units per day can calculate by using this formula which I explain in this video which is basically refrigerator power consumption calculator and You can measure simply all home appliances watts.

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Рекомендации по теме

آپکی ویڈیوز سے آسانی سے نایاب معلومات مل جاتی ہیں جن کا جاننا تقریبا ہر ایک کے لیے لازمی ہے. شکریہ


Aapki bht informative videos hoti hai...yakeen mane, ,,jis jis ne aapki videos dekhi kuch na kuch zaroor sikha he...but Sir thanks.


Thanks for deilviring knoweldge in simple way. May ALLAH pak bless you all the times. 💖


Dear Amir bhai, seen yr. Six vedeos, all are easy to understand, &all are practiclly prooven.What a clearcut way. Your own style. Love you. Pl.continue.


Very informative. Liked & subscribed.


Power factor of fridges which i have observed ranges from 0.55 to 0.7 . I have checked Haier inverter and non inverter. And also dawalance old model . So I suggest you should make a new video with energy meter showing watts, so that your viewers get proper info . Thanks.


Brother go job...but you should tell that how much unit it consume in 24 hours so that people's can calculate the real cost of electricity...thanks


Dear Sir, Your video's are very informative and concept clearing for new starter . Please Keep the Good work, May Allah reward you for this effort.


عامر بھائ۔۔
میں آپکے تمام ویڈیوز بڑے شوق سے دیکھتا ہوں۔ بہت مفید اور معلومات سے بھرپور ہوتے ہیں۔ ایک دوسری ویڈیو میں اپ نے فریج کو 250 واٹ کا ثابت کیا یہاں پر 400 کا
یہ کیا چکر ہے


Thankssss sir g allah apko hamesha salamat rakai


Slam, dawlance refrigerator door lock replacement ki 1 video bnaen, please... Excellent channel... I shared to my friends & followers


Very good information... Aik aur chhoti c video bna dain plz how to check stablizer watt if i want buy a stablizer like 3500watt. So, how i can confirm that is giving complete 3500watt.please


Aamir bhai I love ur channel. Nice work.


u make nice and informative video but am not agree with u in this video.A norml home refrigerator compressor works on start stop method.i have measured current it continously drew 200 watts and never crossed 200 watts


Dear Amir...please tell us about da consumption of desert water cooler and ups both local made and homage....Allah bless u and Allah may protect u and ur family frm all da evils and disasters along with da Muslim uma and all human beings....Regards


If you have digital electricity meter at your premises switch off all other appliances instead of fridge at home and read correct kwhs at electricity meter
And it will be at serial 5
Instantaneous power
