What is NEFT? Banking Interview Questions and Answers | Mr. Jasbir Singh | IPB India

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NEFT stands for National Electronic Funds Transfer. Starting in November 2005, NEFT is an electronic funds transfer system set up and managed by the Reserve Bank of India. NEFT allows the online transfer of funds from one NEFT-enabled bank account to another.

In this video, Mr. Jasbir Singh, Retd. General Manager of Oriental Bank of Commerce and Mentor in Dean Academics at Institute of Professional Banking, talks about NEFT. I hope you like this video.

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Рекомендации по теме

Can a customer transfer money from his sbi bank to someone having account at sbi bank of different branch through neft ?


Sir, which commitee recommandation by NEFT?


Is this only for other person account in other bank or also for same bank ?
