Did EA Answer the Call?

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Man I definitely did NOT call EA, but I have to wonder... would they answer if i did?

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87+ needing a tots is a piss take, they didn't answer anything.


50 81+ PPs - 21 walkouts, no TOTS. 5 x 84+x10s, no TOTS. 85+x10, no TOTS. If they answered a call, it was a wrong number.


Just packing the same old promo players over and over and over now. Güler, Elliot, lawrence, Hradecky… I’ve seen kiwior more than I see the mrs


If Nate replies to this comment, I will text her


I think what EA are gonna do with EVOs is to start looking at the final cards instead of the minimum. So they will go: This will give a +5 for all stats, but all stats will only go to max 85. This means that you could put in a silver card and get +5 on all their stats, but it wouldnt matter that much for the overall powercurve. And you could use Doku, but he might only be upgraded in DEF, PHY and PAS because PAC, SHO and DRI is already 85 or above.


I noticed pack weight was a lot better as of yesterday too


I dont know but this Banega benched my Kevin aka Truck 98 De Bruyne. I love the Messi left Stick Dribbling from Banega. He really is a Monster. The Passes are cracked, his tacklings are cracked, his Body strength with press Proven is cracked. Everyone that plays Elite should give him a try.

The only Lack He has is the Pace, but tbh my De Bruyne with Shadow playstyle 99 Pace feels the same. 😂


That evolution paragraph that threw you is the Doku example you went over. Where the card fits but a certain stat would be boosted too high so they put a max limit on that stat. I'm sure they will continue to have evos where it says 95 pace max or 90 shooting max where your card wouldn't fit.


All rewards will be untradeable for sure.
EA have been damaging the market for years. They would love to get rid of it altogether so that traders can't trade, and coin sellers will go away.


This game has gotten a lot of backlash from many YouTubers .. but it’s a really solid game. Appreciate the grind, trying new players, competing online even if half the time I’m taking major L’s. All the hours we put into this game yet some will still complain about it. We should appreciate it more


Ea employee with some slack to keep the community engaged 😂


What!? I did all 5 84x10's and the 85x10 and didn't get a single tots card in them! Doing the totw picks is so tedious. That 87+ pick needing a tots/totw card is ridiculous.


The tots were popping out of packs at a higher rate than before most definitely. Unfortunately that still isn't enough to get the 5 84x10 and 3 87+ pp sbcs crafted if you are using tots cards. My suggestion to all is spam the TOTW PP because for an 84 rated squad and 83 rated totw does the job. You throw in a high rated best of card in the squad and you're completing the sbcs with 80 to 83 rated cards.


I sold what few tots cards I had yesterday and they all went for the new lower max price of either 55k or 60k. That is why the cards didn't spike up past 60 because EA lowered those max prices. And the totw cards i sold went for 53k and they were so low rated.


Even if you pack tots to complete sbcs the game got repetitive and boring they should have put batch 3 best of instead of keeping batch 2 so so boring promo cards hope friday changes my motivation ❤


hey nate- ive done 50 92+ picks but FINALLY i js got 98 cold palmer. theres only one on the pc market at 4.2M


Rush is awful. it’s already in NHL and it’s just a tedious grind. I have no faith in EA.


I want an Option to Quick Open Packs... Like an Option to skip the entire Animation. Its a hell to Open the fodder Packs and pressing A a Million Times to fast skip that lol


I definitely didn't get more tots cards yesterday, if anything it was worse for me. Three of my 84x10 packs were all gold cards and majority 84s. I guess I used up all my luck packing 99 Messi.


Watch ea make you play rush mode, friendlies, clubs, rivals & champs to achieve the objectives. They are going to make you sweat in every mode to unlock any player or pack along the season.
