A Long-Awaited Reunion: Mehtab's Parents Visit

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After months of separation and longing, Mehtab's parents finally traced her whereabouts and arrived at her doorstep, enveloping her and her children in warm embraces and tearful reunions. The house was alive with laughter and love as the generations came together, sharing stories and catching up on missed moments. Amidst the joyous chaos, Fatemeh's mind wandered to her father, Majid, who had embarked on a journey to procure roofing iron for their new home but had not returned as expected. Anxiety gnawed at her heart, overshadowing the happiness of the reunion.

Mehtab, ever the pillar of strength and selflessness, comforted her daughter with soothing words and reassurances, her own joy momentarily set aside as she held space for Fatemeh's concerns. Together, they pondered the whereabouts of Majid, their thoughts a blend of worry and hope for his safe return. Majid, Mehtab's ex-husband and a vital member of their family building project, was an integral part of their shared dream for a better future. The uncertainty of his absence cast a shadow over their happiness, but their unwavering love and unity shone through in the face of adversity.

As the hours passed and Majid's return remained elusive, the family's bond only grew stronger, each member offering support and comfort to one another. Their shared concern for Majid's well-being transcended any past grievances or differences, highlighting the depth of their love and compassion. In their collective worry, they found solace in each other's presence, finding strength in unity and resilience in the face of uncertainty.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the horizon, a glimmer of hope emerged in their hearts. Majid's absence had united them in a way that transcended words, a silent pact to stand together in times of need. And as they gathered around the dinner table, holding hands in quiet solidarity, a sense of peace washed over them. For in that moment, they knew that no matter the challenges they faced, they would navigate them together, bound by love, selflessness, and the unbreakable ties of family.
f# chendar
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Когда зрители стали писать почему никто с семьи Метхаб не приходит к ней, то оператор видимо сообщил, что родители должны появиться у нее😂😂😂😂 а где же любящая сестра Шокуфе? Правильно, никто не хочет в этом обмане участвовать, сьемочная площадка 3 на 3 метра на часик и по домам. Перестаньте скрывать, все давно поняли ваш фейк. Оператору стыдно, что зрители его раскусили, так стал выключать комментарии и блокировать нас.


الزواج الثاني لم يعد أمراً شائعاً في ذلك البلد. فالقانون يسمح بذلك ولكن هناك قواعد، مثل أنه يجب عليه أن يحصل على إذنها، وأن تخضع هي للمحكمة. ولكنه لم يحصل على إذن. وكما تعلمون، وفقاً للنص، فقد تزوج سراً قبل ستة أشهر من رحيلها. ولم يكن ذلك ممكناً، أولاً وقبل كل شيء، كان منهمكاً في بناء المنزل. وكانا على وفاق تام، ولم يكن هناك سبب. ولو كان الأمر صحيحاً لكانت قد ألقته في السجن لعدم حصوله على إذن كتابي منها. إنهم يعتمدون على جهل الأجانب في عدم معرفة القوانين، ولكننا جميعاً لدينا الإنترنت للبحث.


Alhamdulillah akhir nya orang tua mehtab nengokin mehtab dan cucu2 nya, bahagia kalian semua, terima kasih kameramen, afshin sudah bertemu nya ibu mehtab...senang lihat nya...mehtab kamu jgn sering marah2, sabar dan ikhlas kan apa yg terjadi insya alloh akan mendapat kan kebahagiaan..❤❤❤🌺🌺🌺🌺


Hola señora Méhtab .ME alegro mucho ďe que ayan visitado tus padres. Tus hijos se podrán muy contentos en ver a sus abuelos .Enhorabuena. Así podrás contarles todas tus penurias y tus tristezas por laque as pasado. Me alegro muchísimo de que estéis todos juntos. Salud para todos..❤❤❤


Methab you need to hug Hannyian instead she is ignored by you and Majid. She seems so lost in this crazy maze.😮😮😮😮


Mehtabs parents are neighbors, they are just around the corner...


Ah finalmente la visita de los padres. Finally her parents visit.❤❤❤❤❤


عزيزتي مهتاب إنتبهي على الطفل ولا تضعي السكين قربه قد يؤذي نفسه او يؤذي إخوته قشري الفاكهة بنفسك وقدميها لهم ثم إخفي السكين.. كذلك إمنعي أطفالك من الجلوس قربك أثناء البناء أمام الغبار والأتربة والاوساخ واصنعي لهم أرجوحة كما في السابق لينشغلوا بها عنك


Felicidades señora Methab 👏👏🥰🥰 por fin este reencuentro con su flia Dios es grande y justo está acomodando todo en su lugar una larga vida llena de bendiciones los espera 🙏🙏Que feliz me siento🤗🤗


Эти кочевники себя не утруждают, взяла целую курицу и все использовала, сожрали. А нормальные люди эту курицу на три раза используют. Сварила бы суп детям, а остатки отдала собакам. Сделайте подливку, вы жарите мясо, добавь воды и это можно добавлять в рис, а то сидите и давитесь хоть чай поставьте перед детьми.


Don't think we are stupid ! You live just one street away from your parents. It is the same village. The Man who brought your parents is the neighbour from Quasim. His wife takes care of Shandemer. Fatima and Reza visit the same school like Elam kids. You tell us lies, every day. I am done with all this ! 😡


Speaking of Metab's parents coming to look for her daughter and grand kids made me teary eyes. Thats what made me come back to this family, I wanted so bad for her family to unite especially now that Metab is suffering this painful turmoil. The kids need to associate with Javad, and Elham's boys, which are cousins. And maybe Schcofe can come visit Metab with Mr. Afshen too. One step at a time. I love both families and of course both photographers who shoe imense love for the families they are filming. They both have great hearts!❤❤❤❤😊😊🎉🎉


..thanks to both of you mr cameraman at Afshin... at nbisita n ng mga mgulang nia c Mehtab.... loveu guy's 😘😘😘😘😘❤❤❤❤❤🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸Godbless ❤🙏🏼❤🙏🏼❤🙏🏼❤


Бабушки и дедушки разные бывают видят редко внуков пришли на пять минут и ушли внуков не поцеловали дочку не обняли встали и пошли не оглядываясь а вот друга бабушка и болеет а придет и снохе старается помочь и внуков постоянно нацеловавает и уходит плачет а эти как чужие


Bueno Afshin leyó mi comentario de que mandara a los abuelos donde Methab, aunque los niños van al mismo colegio porque vi cuando fue Methab a inscribirlos y también a Sokofer cuando llevo a los de su hermano Javad, tienen que verse si van a la misma hora los niños❤❤


How good to see Mehtab happy with her parents' visit; At the same time, what courage with his dad's indifference, they arrived and left in 5 minutes. The father was not angry about what Majid did, they did not ask her how she could endure so much by herself. I hope they can go spend a few days with the family. Blessings .


Mehtab was emotional.This was a sad but beautiful episode. No chaos. No Majid.


Ustedes comentan como si vivieran ahí, pero leyes y costumbres son muy difíciles en IRÁN, muchos padres son así, Ustedes se fijan hasta como caminan, Ustedes que comentan saben más de la vida de ellos que ellos mismos, 😡😡😱🙈🙀


Ведь это всё театр, и у всех есть где жить, может даже это не родители Мехтаб а так просто знакомые и это всё кино ради денег, и таких дураков как мы.


Glad you were able to see your parents. Hopefully you can have a longer visit next time
